Monday, January 26, 2015

Government; Not Just for Breakfast Anymore

Dear Friend,

This is a Super Week To Be Heard
Starting with a Legislative Breakfast this morning and working through to a Community Visit later this week, we are in the midst of a great opportunity to voice our desires and concerns. And better yet, to be heard! 
Legislative Breakfast
This morning, we had a chance to sit down with our county legislatures and share our early session concerns and observations. Discussion was thoughtful, deliberate, well researched and for the most part, I'd say, we covered all of the big concerns. Hats off to a great delegation willing to listen, take notes and absorb what is being said. It is no surprise to anyone that most of the pressing issues in Montpelier have an immediate impact on businesses and property owners in Franklin County.   

Darn, I Missed Out
Fear not, the delegation will be gathering again in just a few weeks in Fairfax. Saturday, February 21st beginning at 9:00 am at the Firehouse (not the town hall). We will keep you posted on the rest of the schedule just as soon as we have it in our hands.

Swanton Community Visit Reminder
Reminder, the big show is coming to Swanton this Wednesday from 2:00 until 8:30. A delegation of federal, state, non-profit and business executives will be in Swanton to hear more of what you have to say about improving your community. Download the agenda - right here - and pick the sessions you want to attend. Our goal is to fill these venues with citizens who what to help take Swanton to a new height.

News from Montpelier
Again, this week I am sending you a link to This Week in the Statehouse from Gun laws, microbeads and state budget highlight the week. Let me know if you see anything you would like the Chamber to chime in on.

Strategies for Success
This week I am speaking on "Turning your Smartphone into Smart Business." Your kids have been bugging you to get one for years, now learn how to use it like a boss! Join us this coming Thursday, 4:00 - 5:30pm in the St. Albans Free Library. Free for Chamber members, $10 for guests. Please pre-register HERE!

Did You Know?
During the early years of Prohibition, the Chambers were brought in by law enforcement to help identify and punish "shady" operators who were taking advantage of gullible buyers. Apparently, some real estate firms were using pictures of land taken in Atlantic City and selling that same land as if it were in Florida, where that address was actually under water. Most of these deals were associated with booze in some way. Imagine that! 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, January 19, 2015

Swanton Community Visit

Dear Friend, 

Our Government is Coming to Town
2015 is kicking off with a marvelous opportunity for Swanton and surrounding Franklin County. This Wednesday, January 28th a contingency of Vermont State, Federal, business and non-profit leaders will be converging on Swanton in what is called a "Community Visit." This is big.
What is a Community Visit?
A Community Visit is a three step process where the state sends high ranking officials from state, federal, business and non-profit agencies to spend time with local citizens in an effort to find out how best these groups can assist a community in meeting their goals for growth and developing strategies to address their challenges.

Why is this a Big Deal?
That's a no brainer! Anytime you have visitors who are interested in helping you, it's a big deal. But seriously, these visits help our towns people get hooked up with the right agents and programs that CAN make a difference. We come out of this with a document loaded with suggestions, connections, ideas and links to state and federal funds, programs and personnel - all directed at something we identify as important to our community. We are expecting between 30-40 official visitors - that's huge.

How Do I Get Involved?
Show Up. Stop what you are doing right now and block out this coming Wednesday from 2:00 until 8:30. Next, download the agenda - right here - pick the sessions you want to attend. And show up ready to share your ideas, concerns and your support. This is a roll up your sleeves event where everyone can and will be heard. And at 6:00, we'll take a break and have a bite to eat courtesy of MVU. You don't have to sign up all you have to do is show up. We want to fill these venues with citizens who what to help take Swanton to a new height.

By The Way - News from Montpelier
I am looking for the best way to share what I hear from Montpelier. We have done a nice job of getting in touch with our delegates and I believe we have the doors open for good communications throughout the session. I get input from a number of different agencies during the week, so I am trying to figure out the best way to distill that all and get it to you in a useful format. This week I am sending you a link to This Week in the Statehouse from I like their format and I think you will find the pieces on Tobacco taxes and why gas prices are so much higher in Northeastern VT interesting. Let me know if you see anything you would like the Chamber to chime in on.

Did You Know?
The number three reason businesses fail within the first five years is: Failure of the leaders to engage in personal development and perform at their top level. Franklin County is loaded with professional training opportunities. Take time out of your busy schedule to improve yourself. Don't get stale.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, January 12, 2015

Potpourri for 2015

Dear Friend, 

Starting 2015 Off on the Right Foot

We have a calendar full of events, classes, networking opportunities and plain ole stuff planned for 2015. In addition to our regular slate of activities, we are booking events in Enosburg, Swanton and Fairfax as we speak. In fact, if you know of a good place where we can hold a class for, say 10 - 12 in any of these towns, let me know - I have a fun class we can plug in to kick off the season.  


In 2014, we were asked to serve as the CVNHP Coordinator for Franklin County entities who might consider themselves stakeholders in all things that concern conservation and culture. Museums, partnerships, "Friends of" organizations, municipalities, etc. come to mind. Businesses and groups with similar mission statements might qualify as well. I currently have about 45 names on my list but I don't think I have everyone.

Last week I sent out a notice about a substantial National Endowment for the Arts Grant opportunity. If you didn't get it and think, "hey, I'd be interested in that," then click this link and put your name and email address on the list for future notices. Here is a link that better explains the mission and purpose of the Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership

Over the past year we have met to discuss future funding directions for quite a bit of money that has a great chance of coming right back into our area. I have to believe that there are more of you out there who would find this interesting and important. If you sign up, you will receive regular notices of grants, invitation to attend stakeholder meetings and regular updates as to how funding activities are maturing. Sign Up Here


There BACK! This Thursday we celebrate our first 2015 Chamber Networking Mixer. Good people getting together to shake hands, share food, win a few door prizes and remind ourselves just how much we love working in Franklin County. Be there,Thursday, Jan 15th beginning around 5:30 at People's Trust Company at 25 Kingman Street. Oh yeah, please register in advance - it helps! Register Here
  • For all membership renewals in January and February, the Chamber will make a donation to the Watershed Mentoring program
  • Swanton Chamber members get a discount on their 2015 dues if they renew their Swanton Chamber membership when they renew their Franklin County Chamber dues
  • Enosburg Business Association members get a discount on their 2015 dues if they renew their EBA membership when they renew their Franklin County Chamber dues
  • The Northwest Technical Center is offering 15% off their courses for all Chamber members (does not include on-line classes)
Did You Know?
Immigration laws might make 2015 headlines but, beginning in as early as 1797, Chambers in Kentucky, Louisiana and California were striking immigration agreements to attract new businesses to their communities. Some worked, some failed but the vision was set.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick