Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Dear Friend,

2016 - A Year of Investing and Strengthening
As we sat down to draw up our goals and objectives for 2016, two themes came to the forefront. We must continue to Invest in our Community and work hard to Strengthen our Relationships. Goals well worth pursuing.

What Does Investment Look Like?
I went back over my calendar for the past several months. As I review the different community functions we either attend or committees we belong to, it is clear that the one of the primary functions of the Chamber staff is to represent its members. No matter where we are, we are representing the members of the Chamber, looking out for the things that matter most to them. While we are entitled to our own opinion, we very seldom lead with our personal concerns. Most often we invest our time in being the voice of others.

So Where Have I Been?
Here's a list of events and meetings we have attended lately:

  • Brownfields Steering Committee
  • Swanton Enhancement Committee
  • Enosburg Business Association
  • Franklin County Community Partnership
  • St. Albans Town Legislative Hearing
  • St. Albans Town Zoning Hearings
  • Franklin Grand Isle Workforce Investment Board Steering Committee
  • Northwest Tech Center Cooperative Education Steering Committee
  • NWTC Conversation Cafe'
  • Northern Vermont Economic Development District Board
  • Community Committee on Healthy Lifestyles
  • Hunger Council of Franklin County
  • Legislative Session with Franklin County Law Enforcement
  • Swanton Legislative Breakfast
  • Vermont Association of Chamber Executives
  • Career/Job Expo Planning Committee
  • Swanton Chamber of Commerce
  • Vermont-Quebec Trade Luncheon
  • St. Albans Downtown Committee
  • Franklin County Animal Rescue BOD
  • FCIDC Manufacturers' Mixer
  • Filming Franklin County Focus
  • National Night Out in Taylor Park
  • Champlain Valley Natural Heritage Partners International Summit
  • Community Matters Breakfasts

Honey, It's Time for Dinner!
When we first accepted this job, one of the Board members approached my wife and said; "He's going to be out a bit!" The good news is, I'm home for dinner more often than not. The way I look at it, time is one of those valuable assets that we can Invest in our Community.

How Can You Help?
You can join me at a meeting or two. You can invite me to your meeting. And, you can invest in your Regional Chamber so we can continue to invest right back into our communities. Join or Renew today. We'll make it easy - Click Here

Did You Know?
Chris Mead says it this way (kinda - I paraphrase...), "Chambers came into existence primarily to safeguard and extend opportunities for businesses. In the past century, the role of the Chamber has broadened from targeting the needs of businesses to promoting community-wide initiatives. The Chamber of Commerce has morphed, to some extent, into a Chamber of Community." I think I agree. Coming dear...

Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join or Renew Today. And, thank you for investing your support in the Chamber in your community.  

Dave Southwick

Monday, February 15, 2016

We're From The Government...

Dear Friend,

...And We are Here to Help.
It never gets old. Saturday with our U.S. Congressman and City Mayor and Monday with a half a dozen of our County Legislators. We are so fortunate to live in a state and community where we have the opportunity for personal, one-on-one, genuine conversations with our elected officials. All differences aside, when you have the chance to talk face to face with your government you have a much better feeling that they do care and that they are here to help. 

So, What Did You Hear at the Traveled Cup?

Saturday morning, I asked Peter Welch, U.S. Congressman for the State of Vermont, "What is happening at the Federal level that will have a direct impact on Franklin County?" And while he couldn't point to anything that was "earmarked" for Franklin County, he did offer up the efforts surrounding the Transportation Bills that will improve our infrastructure and long term support for the state. And as most of us know, transportation is at the root of many of our employment issues. He also acknowledged the funding efforts that have supported the Downtown Enhancement Projects in St. Albans.

St. Albans City Mayor, Liz Gamache, shared the vision for the expansion of the streetscape project on Kingman and Lake Streets along with the plans for an improved Federal Street corridor. Funding is in place and construction will start with the warm weather. In addition, we can anticipate an major sidewalk and curb project to coincide with the repaving of the main thoroughfares. 

And they make a great cup of coffee at the Traveled Cup.

Monday in the NWTC Hideaway, How'd that Go?

February is National CTE month - but you already knew that didn't you? Career & Technical Education Month is a celebration of the achievements of our CTE centers, formerly known as tech centers. The NWTC had invited our County Legislative team for a Conversation in the Hideaway. I really like that place. 

Our representatives were keenly interested in how things are going and what barriers keep us from filling local jobs with local talent. Fine tuning curriculum, understanding job requirements and teasing apart the application process are areas that the NWTC sees as the critical paths to success. The legislators agreed. I truly appreciate the depth of the questions they ask, the compassion they exhibit while listening carefully and the pages of notes they take during these encounters. These elected officials care. 

What Is Next?

Glad you asked. There is no shortage of opportunities for you to get your opinions heard. Check out this schedule:

  • Mon., Feb 15, 6-7:00 pm. St. Albans Town Education Center. Public Hearing for Franklin County on the 2017 State Budget. Public encouraged to attend.
  • Wed., Feb 17, 12-1 pm. Ethan Allen Room at the Statehouse, Legislative Discussion on the Senate marijuana bill with law enforcement. Public invited to attend.
  • Sat., Feb 20, 8-9:30 am. Legislative breakfast at the Enosburg American Legion. Public invited to attend and participate in discussion.
  • Mon., Mar 14, 8-9:30 am. Legislative breakfast, Bliss Room, St. Albans. Public required to attend (jk, encouraged).

Did You Know?
The definition of an Australian Ballot: a ballot containing the names of all the candidates for public office, printed and handed to the voter at the polling station to be marked in secret: so called because it originated in Australia. Ah, no kidding, you were hoping for something a bit more entertaining and mysterious, I know I was.

Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join or Renew Today. And, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  

Dave Southwick

Monday, February 8, 2016

10" Plates

Dear Friend,

Tasted Good!
Hats off to the In Good Taste team for pulling off another great event with wonderful food, an evening with friends, a very comfortable setting (given the circumstances) and 10" plates. Yep, 10" plates!
A 10" Plate, You Say?
A year or two ago, a group of forward thinking planners decided to start collecting 10" dinner plates to be used at community events. The thought was that each member would start canvasing the local flea markets, yard sales and discount outlets and buy up all the dinner plates they could find. Then, when there was a community event that was serving food, you break out the plates. Saving the environment of hundreds of paper or plastic dishes, saving the landfills and showing a greener, gentler side of the community. And so far it seems to be doing just that.

There Has to Be More To It Than That...
Well, yes, in a sidebar conversation with Tim Smith the other day, he pointed out that the 10" plates are more than just reusable dinnerware. He has observed that people take their time picking out just the right plate for their personal meal. Each plate carrying a certain lure for its soon to be diner. Some pick by color, some by design, some by the perceived volume of food it will carry (large or small), some by a small blemish or nick and most by a deep nostalgic memory of another time. But each choice is as unique as the individual making it. 

Unique Plates + Unique Individuals = Great Community
And as these unique diners mingle, with their prized plate mounded with finely crafted food, they make up the greatness that is a community. A community of individuals, as different as the plates they carry, coming together to share a meal, compassion, ideas, humor and good ole' conversation. All the while reminding us not to take each other, or our 10" plates, for granted. Coming together as one. A future we can all agree on.

Did You Know?
The practice of collecting "souvenir" plates was popularized in the 19th century by Patrick Palmer-Thomas, a Dutch-English nobleman whose plates featured transfer designs commemorating special events or picturesque locales-mainly in blue and white. It was an inexpensive hobby, and the variety of shapes and designs catered to a wide spectrum of collectors. Read more.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join or Renew Today. And, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Conversation Cafe'

Dear Friend,

Conversations, conversations, conversations
Last year we hosted a series of Community Matters conversations, this year we decided to take the talk to the kids. Yesterday we collaborated with the Northwest Technical Center to offer their students an opportunity to converse with members of the business community. What happened next - unbelievable!
Conversation Cafe'
Lisa Durocher and her team had heard about the concept of a Conversation Cafe' at at conference they attended last year. Fast forward, we have a room full of NWTC medical professions students sitting at tables hosted by real live medical professionals from around town and they are talking. I mean no cell phones, no headphones, no distractions - just face to face, down to earth, are you kidding me conversations. People were jazzed. And I didn't even have time to offer up an introduction or explanation - they just took off. 

What Did They Talk About?
I honestly don't know. We gave them topics to discuss if the conversation lulled but that never happened. From the feedback I received from some of the table hosts, the kids shared their dream jobs and goals for the near future and the table hosts shared how they got to where they were today. Real life to real life. Just talking. And in the end, there were handshakes and hugs. I think they liked it.

What's Next, You Ask?
Well, we have two more Conversation Cafes' scheduled for the NWTC. In March we are hosting a Human Services day and in April we will be looking at Digital Arts & Video. If you'd like to be part of the conversation, contact the Chamber or Lisa Durocher at NWTC. We'll save you a spot at the table. And Chef makes the best croissants. What to host one at your school - give me a call, I'll share what we know.

You Mentioned Community Matters Breakfast
Aw yes I did, people sharing stories with people, generating social capital - a great success in 2015. We will bring these back for 2016 starting in May. If you would like to host a breakfast let me know - they go fast.

Did You Know?
Social Capital is a local phenomenon defined by connections among people who know one another. It is neighbors communicating with neighbors. It takes person-to-person contact over time to build relationships steeped in trust and mutual understanding. We can all use more of that good stuff.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join or Renew Today. And, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick