Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Value of a Meeting

Dear Friends,

No Accident

It is said that; "We don't meet people by accident, instead we are meant to cross each other's path."  

Busy, Busy, Busy 

Over the past year, I have had the opportunity and privilege to cross paths with many people. Each one with something different to offer Franklin County in the way of progress, growth, education or support. On the average, I attend between 12 and 15 meetings of one kind or another each month. So far, I have found each one important in some special way. 

When Do You Work?

Here is the interesting fact about my work - I work for you. After giving this careful thought, I can say that I am one of the few people (outside of your own employees) who comes to work everyday to help you with your business. Attending these meetings is part of my job - it's what I do. These are meetings that you might never attend on your own and in many cases you might not even know exist.

Why Is that Important?

Funding opportunities, zoning issues, legislative direction, healthcare policy, wellness committees, community partnerships, programming proposals, advertising co-ops, downtown promotions, county planning, cover crops, waste water management, lake water quality, new job creation, generational considerations, young professionals, new business development, recreation activities, brownfield projects, cultural events, job expos, board meetings and sometimes food. I am your eyes and your ears, I look out for your best interests where ever I go. (Except for the food part - that's usually for me!) Your Chamber works for you.

Still Time To Make A Difference

When it is all said and done, this is still your Chamber. We ask for your input to make sure we continue to deliver what is important to you. Please take this survey (of course it's short!) and let us know how we did this past year and how we can best shape our offering in 2015. Even if you don't belong to our Chamber or any Chamber, we'd still like to hear from you as well.

Did You Know?
The Honolulu and San Francisco Chambers were responsible for lifting sugar tariffs between Hawaii and the United States opening the doors toward eventual Statehood for our 50th state.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

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