Monday, December 28, 2015

Resolutions circa 2016

Dear Friend
It's All About You
Last week, I mentioned in passing that my daughter had shared a note that suggested that our resolutions for 2016 be focused outward. I am taking her wise advice and adding a splash of Chamber Joy!  
Education, Legislation and Community Investment 
In 2016, the Chamber resolves to provide you with additional opportunities to learn a tip or two that can help your business be more prosperous. We resolve to keep the lines of communications open with our county legislators during a year when the smallest vote could make the biggest difference. And we vow to provide you with joyous opportunities to spread your good company name over hill and dale.  
Business Promotion and Networking
Every chance we get we will be bragging about what a great benefit you provide to our visitors, shoppers, artists and people thinking about relocating to Franklin County. 2016 will be a year of knowing who you are and getting your name out there. Everybody loves a chance to network - meeting old friend, making new acquaintances and letting others know about the difference you can make. This year promises new hosts as well as new venues - come and check them out.

Spreading the Good News
In 2016 we will be bringing more education seminars, networking socials and community events to Enosburg, Swanton, Fairfax and beyond. Don't wait for us to call you, if you want to host an event - call us, we'll see you get a spot. In addition, we will be joining committees and attending important meetings in your neighborhood, looking for more ways to bring value to you - the member. Did I mention that I was excited? I'm excited!

Did You Know?
I told you about the live candle tradition on German Christmas trees last week. Did you also know that Firefighters were the highest paid profession in Germany during the months of November, December, and January?  Interestingly enough, after electricity was invented there was a drop off of seasonal German firefighters by 12,000%. Thanks, Aaron.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join or Renew Today. And, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Something to Ponder...

Dear Friend
Merry and Bright
As I have driven around the county over the last few weeks, I have noticed that the lack of snow has not kept people from decorating their homes or towns from lighting up their parks and street lamps. It is a special time of year no matter what or how you celebrate. It is a time of cheer and kindness for all. 
Jumping Ahead 
During this busy, crazy, chaotic time it is easy to get caught up in our own needs and desires. My daughter shared a link with me this morning that gently proposed that instead of focusing our new year's resolutions on things we plan to do for ourselves, that we turn our gaze outward and resolve to do more for the sake of those around us. In essence, take time to think of others first. Thank you dear.
Thinking of Others
Luke was a physician, a man of intellect. He knew the ins and outs of the human body, how it is capable of handling physical and mental stresses and challenges. He writes of young Mary, a new mother, who some could argue has had the most chaotic and stressful holiday season of all. And as he ends his story of her stresses and challenges, he shares that Mary "...treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." I can't help but be in awe and wonder at the thought of someone caring so much for others that, in the midst of her own personal situation, she takes time to think of the impact on those around her. Amazing! Something for us all to ponder... 

Did You Know?
Christmas lights (also known informally as fairy lights) are a custom that goes back to the 18th century where candles were used to decorate the Christmas tree in homes in early modern Germany. Trees displayed publicly and illuminated with electric lights became popular in the early 20th century. By the mid-20th century, it became customary to display strings of electric lights along streets and on buildings as the decorations became detached from the tree itself. May your lights shine brightly!
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join Today. And, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Time of Thanks

Dear Friend
All On Board
For the past two and one half years, our staff has been fortunate and blessed to have a magnificent Board of Trustees to guide us and provide a steady hand on the wheel of progress. They represent the salt and light of our community and are a constant reminder of what it takes to be successful while at the same time caring and compassionate. 
Members of Gold
I mention this many times in any given period, but it is a pleasure to work for such an enthusiastic group of Chamber members. Each day is filled with encouraging conversations, cordial welcomes and thought provoking challenges - all of which keep us coming back for more. We are unique in our mission in that we don't work for ourselves, we work for you.  
Cast of Silver
It is said that you can only be as good as the people you surround yourself with. Or that success is a function of a good team. In either case, we have a wonderful mix in our midst. Lisamarie keeps the front office and communications running like clockwork. She is a welcomed smile to all who venture through our doors or ring our phones. And on the toughest of days, she is a bright friend. Our Young Professionals team is so energetic that you simply have to wave your cup of coffee over them to get that extra jolt of caffeine. They are that bright light at the end of the tunnel.

So Thank You
As we slide into the holiday break, I want to express my sincerest thanks for the relationships that have been built, the seeds that have been planted, and the successes that we see each and every day. May 2016 fill your wildest dreams and may you find peace, joy and happiness in all you do.  
Did You Know?
Sometimes I get mushy.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join Today. And, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Feeling Good

Dear Friend
Potpourri For 200
Where have I been...missed you...Happy Thanksgiving...hope your turkey was free range and large...what's with this the warm temps...miss the snow...thanks for a great Member & Friend Social...expect it again next year...Tractor Parade was packed streets...Festival of Trees was OMG...hope you were able to go and that you took home a gorgeous tree...thank you to all who make Franklin County incredible.
Feeling Good Tip #1: Shop Local
I have just conducted a Chamber of Commerce sanctioned social experiment. I stopped in five different local stores and bought at least one Christmas gift in each one. After the first store, I felt a smile growing that eventually became stuck to my face. Second store, I said hello to a complete stranger. Store three, I was giddy. Store four delivered my gift to my office, I became euphoric and hugged the delivery person. And store five, well, they had to throw me out for high-fiving...everyone. Thus proving that buying local is the #1 feel good tip of the season. Imagine what would happen if each of us were to buy two gifts in each store???? Yep, feeling good just dreaming about it.
Feeling Good Tip #2: Join or Re-join Your Chamber
I know at first this might sound a bit selfish but stick with me for a minute. Not only does your membership support important local research (see Tip #1) but you will also be making a huge difference in Franklin County. Here's how it works. For every new member or membership renewal that comes in between now and the end of February, the Chamber will make a financial donation to the Watershed Mentoring Program. You heard me, a portion of your dues will go to help match needing kids with trained mentors and that has been shown to improve their chances for genuine success. Does that feel good or what? Check the mail, your renewal letter is there some place.  
Did You Know?
The supportive, healthy relationships formed between mentors and mentees are both immediate and long-term and contribute to a host of benefits for mentors and mentees. Benefits for youth: lower high school dropout rates; healthier relationships and lifestyle choices; enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence; improved behavior, both at home and at school; stronger relationships with parents, teachers, and peers; and decreased likelihood of initiating drug and alcohol use. Benefits for mentors: increased self-esteem; a sense of accomplishment; creation of networks of volunteers; and (my favorite) increased patience and improved supervisory skills. WIN-WIN!!!
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join Today.

Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community. 
Dave Southwick

Monday, November 9, 2015

Politicians and Great Food

Dear Friend, 

Politicians and Great Food
Really? In the same breath? Yep, now stick with me cause this might take some concentration. Here we go. You can read about politicians and their position on the issues and you can read about great food and how wonderful the critic claims the dish might have been. You can even listen to the same exchange on a radio station or watch it live on the television. But until you are in the same room with either one, you will never get a true read on what is in front of you.
Political Candidates
Last week, I had my first opportunity to meet the five candidates running for the open seat of Vermont Governor. I sat in on an Economic Summit at ECHO - four were there in person and the fifth was televised. Each was given an opportunity to make a short presentation on their position regarding the issue and then the four that were in the room participated in a Q&A round robin. All quite civil, informative and well run by the host

Had I just read the transcript of the evening, I would have been fed the sterile script of each response. But by actually being in the room with the candidates for a couple of hours, I gleaned much more than just their responses. How did they treat the people around them? How approachable were they? Did they present a different persona when chatting with a prospective voter than they did at the podium? In fact, did they use the podium or did they work the room? What did it feel like to shake their hand, look them in their eyes or hear their response to an invitation to visit Franklin County? 

We are so fortunate in Vermont to have the incredible access to our political candidates. Therefore, it is imperative that each voter get out and meet the candidates face to face. I want to make some analogy to squeezing fruit and vegetables but I like my job.     
Great Food 
I bet you can see where I am going with this. If you want to really enjoy great food, you have to get out there and squeeze it, savor it, inspect it and taste it. You just can't take someone else's word for it, you have got to experience it for yourself. Kristen Hughes is the Healthy Roots Coordinate for Franklin and Grand Isle counties and has been working hard to facilitate access to locally sourced foods. Tomorrow afternoon (11/10) from 3:00 to 5:00 pm in the Hideaway at the Northwest Technical Center on the BFA St. Albans Campus, Kristen is hosting a Vermont Chefs and Farmer Forum where the "...intent is to open up a dialogue between local chefs and local farmers, in an attempt to promote the use of more local ingredients in your menus."

Here is a chance for anyone involved in the food service industry to meet the local food producers and influence their plans for the 2016 growing season. Now I can say it, you can literally squeeze... 

Contact Kristen at to let her know you're coming. She will be thrilled to see you.
Did You Know?
On Sept 26, 1960, Massachusetts Democratic Senator John F. Kennedy and Republican Vice President Richard M. Nixon face each other in the first nationally televised presidential debate. Kennedy arrived looking well-groomed and confident, while his opponent Nixon, who had just been released from the hospital after two weeks recuperating from a badly injured knee, appeared haggard and was sporting a "5 o'clock shadow" or light beard. Although he arrived in a wrinkled suit and appeared underweight and had a grayish pallor, Nixon refused the assistance of a makeup artist, a decision he likely later regretted. Kennedy clearly "won" the debate, a fact attributable to both his superior comfort level with the new communication medium and his "telegenic" good looks.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join Today.

Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community. 
Dave Southwick

Monday, November 2, 2015

We Need Your Help

Dear Friend, 

The Hardest Part is Asking
We have reached that point where we need your help. In order for us to grow our Chamber outreach and programming we need to strengthen our membership numbers. And, we need your help to make that happen. Please take a minute and think of one business or organization that you feel would benefit from being a member of the Chamber and invite them to our Member Social this coming Thursday. We need your help.
Memberships Drive the Chamber
Fact, the Regional Chamber of Commerce is one of the few organizations that exists with the single focus to promote the business, tourism and culture in our County. We have no other agenda - Lisamarie and I come to work each day to support you, period. Fact, I attend between 12-15 gatherings a month just to represent the best interest of the Chamber membership and to build relationships at meetings that members themselves cannot attend. Fact, the Chamber is funded completely by member dues and member sponsorship. We receive no outside funding. Fact, without you, there is no Chamber. 
Is Membership Worth It? 
Good question. All social research shows that membership in community organizations is driven by perceived value. For the past two years, our team has been working diligently to build a Chamber presence throughout the county that brings definite value to the membership. We divide our time into the critical areas that, in some way, meet the needs of every business and organization. Networking, education, legislation, community investment, communications and business promotion. Value? Yes, the Chamber IS working for you.  
I Need Your Support
Thursday night, 5:30 pm, in the Bliss Room - we will be hosting a Member/Guest Social to answer questions and share more about the value we being to the table. Free food, cash bar, sign ups and referral incentives. Please come, bring a friend, we want to keep building on a good thing. RSVPs Requested

Did You Know?
Society as a whole benefits enormously from the social ties forged by those who choose connective strategies in pursuit of their particular goals. We know from many studies that social capital can have what economists call "positive externalities." That is, quite apart from their utility in solving the immediate problem, interpersonal ties are useful for many other purposes. (Better Together, Robert Putnam)
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, October 26, 2015


Dear Friend, 

Software, Can't Live Without It
If you want to be successful in business then you have to find those three or four monster apps or software tools that just make your job that much easier. The days of doing everything by hand went out with churning butter. Not that I ever churned butter but I did crank out a few tubs of ice cream. And a pint of Ben & Jerry's Fish Food is still the way to go. But I digress...
Accounting for Idiots
I know, right, idiots should not be doing accounting. But if you have the right tools, a little bit of computer common sense, the right software and a great accounting consultant well then you can do your own books. I am living proof. QuickBooks has saved my accounting bacon. And with a few tricks up my sleeve, thanks to my friend Gina Clark, I can even knock out the bills, reconcile the check books (yes, I saidbooks), make deposits, enter the payroll, produce the board reports and even generate an invoice. And you thought I was just another pretty face. 
How Did That Happen? 
Start by picking the right software - we use QuickBooks but their are others, then get a good consultant to train you up, use memorized transactions, keep good notes and make it a routine. It also helps to have manual close by for quick references on those tough to remember combinations of key strokes. In no time you will be doing the books without a nervous breakdown. 
We'll Help You Out
This week, our Strategies for Success Seminar is Quick Tips for QuickBooks featuring Gina Clark and her magical touch. Join us to get the inside scoop on just how easy it can be to accomplish the basics of small business bookkeeping. Note the new day,Wednesday, October 28 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm at the St. Albans Library on Maiden Lane. Reserve Your Spot Now - CLICK HERE.

Did You Know?
Before the first hapless accountant was called a 'bean counter' the phrase was also used as the name of a place where beans were sold, especially in the USA where 'pork and bean counters' were commonplace in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, October 19, 2015

Takin' Care of Business

Dear Friend, 

It Snowed!
Most of you experienced a bit of your first snow this weekend, some more than others. I woke up this morning and still have a significant "dusting" on the ground. Well, I always tell folks when they ask me how long our winters are; make sure your Halloween Costume fits over your parka and that your Easter Bonnet is fleece lined. But, then again, I like winter.
Getting Ready
Each change of season causes us to pause and take an inventory to make sure we are ready for the upcoming challenges. All of the summer deck furniture is put away, the pool is closed, the boat out of the water, cars are scheduled to go in and have their winter tires put on and I'm back in the gym getting in shape for the ski season. I still need to tape up a few windows and doors but for the most part we have been taking care of the business of getting ready for a new season.
Holiday Seasons 
As November and December approach we start to understand that the days are getting shorter. Not just the amount of sunlight but also the fact that for many this is a busy time of the year. There don't seem to be as many hours in the day as we see in the rest of the year. A lot goes on and we need to be taking care of business to get us through these final few months.    
Business Matters
We need to make the same adjustments for our businesses as well. Are we prepared for the end of year rush? Are we prepared to move into 2016 with a new sense of hope and excitement? Are we in good physical and mental shape to take on the extra hours, extra calories and extra, you know, stress that goes with the territory? Are we taking care of our employees and customers and managing our businesses with the day to day joy and passion that got us to where we are today? Stop for a minute, stand tall and ask yourself, am I taking care of business? 

Did You Know?
Randy Bachman first wrote a song inspired by a hard working recording technician who actually took the 8:15 train into the city each day and wore a white collared shirt. Originally titled, White Collar Worker, Bachman later heard a local radio DJ exclaim; 'We're takin' care of business' and before you know it Bachman-Turner Overdrive has a smash hit on their hands becoming one of BTO's most enduring and well known songs.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Fall Colors

Dear Friend,

For most Vermonters, it is difficult to not be impressed with the magnificent colors that adorn our trees in late September and early October. Fall in New England is a time for all of us to take a step back and stand in awe of the beauty that surrounds us. We are so fortunate.
Fall Visitors
For many Vermonters, Fall represents that time of the year when our shops, restaurants and attractions are filled to the brim with our annual "leaf peeper" visitors. Long lines, slow traffic, crowded markets are all welcomed signs that our economy is bursting in color as well. Guests mean business and in a state known for its diverse beauty and ever changing scenery, guests have plenty of reasons to visit time and time again.
Fall Hosts 
Members of this vibrant community, have the opportunity to share the warm and spectacular spirit that defines the true heart and soul of a visit to Vermont. A smile, a wave, or a simple nod of the head all send a welcoming message to a traveler looking for a simple reassurance that they have come to the right spot. Any visitors who feels they have connected with the "locals" is sure to make a return trip in the not too distant future.  
Fall Family
Fall visitors may help keep our economy alive, but the turn of the season also fuels the closeness we feel with our friends and family. Students returning for Fall Break, hunters taking to the woods with old friends and families bringing in the crops in preparation for colder weather all remind us that it is the value of these deep relationships that keeps Vermont, well, Vermont. Happy Fall!

Did You Know?
According to some sources, Vermont attracts 3.5 million visitors and $460 million in spending a year during foliage season, which reaches its peak around Columbus Day. I saw a few of them this past weekend.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, October 5, 2015

Businesses as Educators

Dear Friend, 

The Mandate
The state of Vermont has mandated that every high school student have a Personalized Learning Plan (PLPs) and an increased access to some form of a Work-Based Learning Experience. They call it Act 77, codename: Flexible PathwaysRead more... 
Time To Teach
The long and the short of it is that the Education Gurus are acknowledging the power and wisdom in having our students see what the business world has to offer beforethey get out of high school. Why not get a real sense of just what skill sets a future employee will need while it is still possible to influence their personal education path? I like it.

But, and there is always a but, that means that businesses in Franklin County have to expand the process of opening their doors and letting the students peek inside. And since we have a lot of students and they all need to take a peek, that means that all businesses, small and large will have to start allowing access. And this is a good thing. The more our students know about the employment opportunities that surround them in their home towns, the more likely they will want to do internships here and return here for their full time employment. And you are going to want them to do just that.  
Let's Get Started: Op #1
On October 21st, the Franklin County Business and Professional Women along with the BFA Student Council and Business Department are hosting a Financial Literacy Day. Students from the Personal Finance and Career Exploration classes will visit 17 booths, manned by the business community - that's where you come in! Topics will cover Statistics, Banking, Housing, Utilities, Furniture, Groceries, Child Care, Transportation, Insurance, Life's Unexpected, Medical/Dental/Optical, Legal, Clothing, Pet & Vet, Charitable Donations, Entertainment, Travel and Financial Counseling. THEY NEED YOU - contact Barbara Fraser, Marilyn Grunewald or Jacqui Hood Do it right now and do not make me beg. OK, PLEASE!
Let's Get Started: Op #2
Starting in November, the Chamber will be joining the NWTC to offer a series of Conversation Cafe' Breakfasts. This is similar to our Community Matters Breakfasts only these will include students and will focus on a single business type for each meeting. Think restaurants, then retail, then medical, then lodging, then manufacturing, then service, then who knows. Four or five reps from each business community will join a group of students and faculty for a lively discussion, open forum and food. Check these guys out for more insight: We will be introducing the dates and topics within the next week or so. In the meantime, sharpen up your round table meets speed dating techniques. These kids are going to love you. Contact me if you are interested in being part of a group.
Did You Know?
At a matchmaking event he organized in 1998, Rabbi Yaacov Deyo brought along a gragger, the noisemaker Jews use during Purim. That night, in a Peet's Coffee & Tea in Beverly Hills, the Orthodox rabbi twirled his gragger to signal when it was time for the single men and women present to switch partners and spark up a conversation with the next stranger. "We thought 10 minutes for each date, because that was just an easier number to use in a busy coffeehouse," Deyo says. This entirely practical measure would inspire matchmakers all around the world.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Young and Professional

Dear Friend, 

What's In A Name?
When you mention the Franklin County Young Professionals, the first questions that come to mind are; 'what is young and what is a professional?' Don't think about this too hard. If you consider yourself young and you are working (or would like to be working) then you are a Franklin County Young Professional. Need more direction? Check This Out
The Future of Franklin County
We've talked about this before, many times, so it should come as no surprise to anyone that we believe that the future of Franklin County lies in the hands and minds of our youth. Our young adults are the life and breath of tomorrow. They bring the spirit, the enthusiasm and the creativity to take the county to the next level. Our 'yooots' have definitely got game.  
Why Another Organization?
Today's young adults do not join organizations just for the sake of joining yet they still gravitate toward the idea of hanging out with like minded folks. Franklin County YP is just that, a collection of enthusiastic Franklin Countyites (or Countonians) who are looking to make a difference. These kids don't need a reason to gather - they just gather and create the reason. They care about their community and they want to seek out others who they can team up with to help them reach their dreams. 

Don't Take My Word For It
Tonight. Twiggs. 6:00. Recorded yesterday but worth watching today - Go Zach!

Did You Know?
For years young professionals have been to gathering to explore business development, management skills, individual training, community service, and international connections. The Chamber has always been a logical partner. Beginning in 1920, the United States Junior Chamber (JCs or more commonly Jaycees) was developed as a leadership training and civic organization for people between the ages of 18 and 40. Today we support the Young Professionals. Talk to me about how you can help.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, September 21, 2015

Last Second Legislative Forum

Dear Friend, 

Mind Excavating....
I think I mentioned something last week about a need for a mind excavating. Oooh boy was I right. So let's get right to the point.
Legislative Forum 
Tomorrow, the Chamber and the St. Albans Rotary are co-hosting a Legislative Forum featuring the team from the Vermont Chamber of Commerce. This is the first in a series of opportunities that we will bring to St. Albans businesses to help garner a better understanding of recent legislation and what to expect during the 2016 legislative session. 
What Is This?
The Vermont Chamber of Commerce will be presenting information that will help us better understand what happened in 2015 and what we can expect in 2016. This is not a debate nor is it an exchange with our county legislators, it is a great opportunity to learn about the issues and understand how to impact the outcome. Bring your questions and be prepared to offer your thoughts and concerns to one of the groups that represent businesses in Montpelier.
When: Tuesday, September 22, 12:00 - 1:00
Where: St. Albans Rotary Hall, Franklin Lodge, 142 North Main Street, St. Albans
Registration: Nope - just show up 
Cost: Free
Food: Yes, a catered lunch from Tatro's Deli and Catering
Why: Because YOU CARE.
Did You Know?
Sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift away from each other. Something to think about..
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick
Executive Director 
802 524-2444

Monday, September 14, 2015

Season of Refreshing

Dear Friend, 

Fall Cleaning?
In anticipation of a much needed new refrigerator and dishwasher being delivered this coming Wednesday, our house is undergoing a Fall Cleaning. Cabinets have been emptied, freezers are being excavated, carpets are being shampooed and those hard to reach-behind places are getting a once-in-a-long-time scrubbing. Our dust bunnies have had many off-springs. 
A Time of Refreshing 
At the same time, I have also been using the past month as a time of Fall Cleaning for my professional life. Cleaning out a few hard to reach areas and excavating parts of my frozen mind. But most importantly, taking a close look at what is really important: priorities and values.
We All Need Mentors
In the middle of my personal soul searching, I ran into a wise and caring man. No, I didn't stumble upon him while he meditated crossed-legged in a cave on top of Mt. Mansfield. Nor did I find him during a quiet moment in the front pew at church. He was simply standing in line, waiting for his morning coffee at DD. Our simple, daily paths are always lined with those who care most about us. That's why we call them mentors - they are there when we need them most.

A Simple Message
He listened attentively as I shared my struggles and then carefully chose these words from the thousands at his disposal; "Take a close look at your priorities and values. If you keep your decisions in line with them, then you can't make a wrong choice." Wow, how often we let the clutter of the world and our own pride get in the way of the things that matter most. Thank you kind friend, you are so right. I bet, we all can use a good ole' fashion Fall Cleaning now and again. Aw shoot, probably should have bought him his coffee.

Did You Know?
As of September 1, 2015, according to eBizMBA, the Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking sites are: 1. Facebook, 2. Twitter, 3. LinkedIn, 4. Pinterest, 5. Google Plus+, 6. Tumblr, 7. Instagram, 8. VK, 9. Flickr, 10. Vine, 11. Meetup, 12. Tagged, 13., 14. MeetMe, and 15. ClassMates. Some would argue YouTube should also be high on this list.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Who Needs Technology?

Dear Friend, 

Typing Class
I saw a picture on Facebook that showed a couple of students in a HS typing class banging away on IBM Selectrics. I am seasoned enough to remember those days - being the first student in my HS to drop a class he was auditing. I couldn't see the need to spend hours learning how to format a business letter when all I wanted to do was learn the key board. I did not possess any form of ESP that could see a future of the ubiquitous keyboard - I just wanted to learn to type. My wife, on the other hand, refused to learn to type for fear of being stereotyped into a clerical career. Oh how times have changed. 
Change for the Better 
When I went off the college, the standard gift was an electric typewriter to give me a boost up for all the reports I would have to produce. Today, we send our kids off to school with a shiny new laptop (and a cell phone) so that they can stay ahead of the ever changing "curve." Are we in better times? I think so. Say what you want about being distracted with new technology but I believe we have come light years in reaching new levels of communications. 

Face to Face?
Oh, I agree, nothing will every take the place of time spent face to face. But in a world that is ever expanding, the new technology lets us stay connected in ways that were never possible before. Let me give you one very simple example. When I was a freshman at Syracuse, we had one payphone for the entire floor. A call would come in from my granny and whoever was closest to the phone would answer (or not) and then my name would be shouted down the hall until I was found (or not) and retrieved to answer the call. Calls lasted no than 3 minutes and all ended with the same send off; "Oh honey, this phone bill will match the National Debt." Yesterday, my daughter called me from Clemson, SC while walking between classes. I picked it up on the first ring and we talked for 3 free minutes (on the Family Plan). The conversation might have gone longer but dad's can only grunt for so long. I can text all of my kids, at the same time, with one hand tied behind my back. And they love it. Does it replace face to face? No, but it beats no face to no face. And besides, now there is FaceTime.
Is There More?
Yes, there is so much more and every day we build better ways to share information, stay in touch and solve problems. The good news is that these same technologies are helping build better businesses. Never before have business owners had access to such powerful and useful technologies that directly impact the bottom line. Shared calendars, useful POS tools, access to data, collaborative projects and linked teams all make for a more effective and efficient business model. 
Strategies for Success - Smartphones = Smart Business Part 2
Tomorrow afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30 pm at the St. Albans Library, we will be digging into a couple of really cool phone apps that can change the way you think about your business. Tools that help you collaborate and save time will be the main focus. Time to cast that electric typewriter to the side and bring in the future. There is still room -SIGN UP HERE

Did You Know?
Although electric typewriters would not achieve widespread popularity until nearly a century later, the basic groundwork for the electric typewriter was laid by the Universal Stock Ticker, invented by Thomas Edison in 1870.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bike Tour

Dear Friend, 

Remember That Time...
When I mentioned that 1,200 Lycra clad bicyclist would be coming to town? It's tomorrow!!! Starting around noon on Wednesday, members of the Velo Quebec Grand Tour 2015 will be arriving in St. Albans for a 48 hour visit to our town and surrounding country sides.
I Thought You Were Kidding 
Nope, they are coming. Here's the details. Starting tomorrow around noon, about 1,200 bicyclist will be rolling into town on the fourth leg of their week long bike tour. They will be making the Collins-Perley Sports Complex their home until they head back north on Friday morning. Dave Kimel and his crew have transformed the complex into a resort extraordinaire. The majority will be camping in tents on the athletic fields surrounding the complex while a few have hotel rooms in the areas. They will be taking their breakfast and dinners in a magnificent dining room set up for them in the hockey rink and catered by The Abbey. At night, they will be entertained under a big-top tent that will serve as their Evening Bistro with music and and local libations. 

But Wait, There's More...
Thursday is a day off and the cyclist have several options at their disposal. First, they can "rest" by taking one of five designated bike tours on routes throughout Franklin and Chittenden counties. These routes range from a mere 17 miles to Killkare State Park and back to a 121 mile excursion through Georgia, Milton, South Hero, Colchester, Burlington, Williston, Fairfax and many points in between. For those visitors who want a taste of the local scene, we will be providing a continuous afternoon shuttle bus from the complex to downtown St. Albans where our guests can stroll the streets and sample your hospitality and products. For most, lunch is on their own and they might be seeking a local experience. The Chamber will have a tent set up at the Complex and will be promoting our Regional Guide and local merchants.

Here Is Your Opportunity
We can't know how many riders will actually come into town or how many will stop in your shop but we do know that this is a great opportunity to make a first impression on potential customers who live within striking distance our our county. Each cyclist has a limited amount of luggage space to take much home with them so they may not be inclined to buy big items this visit. However, most have a car at home that can haul whatever catches their eye, so plan for their next visit. I hope you have a chance to make the best of this opportunity. Let us know if we can help. 

Special Thanks
Events of this size do not happen without many hours of planning and the help of many cooperating agencies. Thank you to the City of St. Albans, the Town of St. Albans, the public works departments, our public safety teams, the staff of Collins-Perley and you - our Franklin County businesses.

Did You Know?
Most cyclists are happy with sociable weekend trips and the occasional longer tour during the summer but for some the lure of bigger adventures is irresistible. In September 1879 a group of cycle tourists from the London Bicycle Club rode across France to the Pyrenees. More than thirty years before the riders of the Tour de France first ventured into the mountains these London cycle tourists tackled the celebrated ascents of the Aubisque, Tourmalet, Aspin and Peyresourde. In 1880, a pair of cyclists rode from Lands End to John O'Groats, the famous End-to-End route, covering the 896 miles in thirteen days and establishing Britain's classic long-distance touring challenge. Sore butts galore!
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick