Monday, December 29, 2014

Business Pledge

Dear Friend,

Our Pledge to You

Throughout 2015, the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce pledges to promote your business or organization to the best of our ability. We pledge to represent you at all of the regional meetings and conferences we are invited to attend. We pledge to keep you informed of what we hear and how it might impact you and your bottom line. We pledge to deliver your voice to Montpelier. And, we pledge to come to work every day with the expressed purpose of making Franklin County a better place to work and live. That is our pledge.

Our Request of You 

We are a not-for-profit, membership organization. As such, we receive the majority of our funding from you - our members. We have no outside source for funding except for a few minor stipends to represent stakeholders in county and regional activities (think Health Connect and Champlain Valley Nation Heritage Partners). 

Half of our funding comes from your membership dues and the other half from your sponsorship support in our three annual fund raisers. Our Annual Dinner, the Great Race Triathlon and the St. Albans Raid Half-Marathon are recognized as integral parts of the culture and promotion of our county.

We are not here to make money and all that we take in goes right back into the business community in the form of education, business development, programming and charity. But, we must pay our staff and keep our office open and we can't do that without you.

So, our request is that you not only renew your membership but that you also consider adding at least one additional package to your renewal. We have sponsorship and advertising packages to meet every need. We have added packaging incentives in the form of discounts if you bundle everything today. We will be happy to talk to each individual to help build a package where you will see tremendous return and value.   
Our Thanks to You

Over the next couple of weeks you will be receiving an envelope from the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce. Please take a moment to read our offer, complete your registration form and submit your payment. This year we are even prepared to accept monthly installments if that helps with your cash flow.

We thank you for your support and encouragement for all that we were able to do in 2014. Our job is not done, we need your strong support in 2015 so that we can continue to serve you. Please contribute generously.
Did You Know?
The SS Savannah was the first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean. It carried the name Savannah at the demand of the shipbuilder to support his city and the Chamber of Commerce that so willingly supported him.  
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, December 22, 2014

Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

Naughty or Nice?

Santa, as we look back on 2014, IMHO, I think that, all in all, we have been pretty nice this year - with only a hint of naughty. As you know, I did get those two parking tickets, I forgot to put that orange permit on the dashboard (you know how that goes). The police department has forgiven me, I hope you can as well.

For Lisamarie 

Please give Lisamarie time to rest and get in that perfect shape to be able to take on all we have planned for 2015. She has been a great girl this year Santa. The Facebook page is brimming with awesome pictures and great stories about our great members. Likes and Visits are at all-time high. Mixers went off without a hitch and she even managed to feature several of our not-for-profit agencies as special guests. She was able to make time to meet with new customers to help them with their marketing efforts and has helped open a new business in town with a "Big-Scissors" ribbon cutting. News releases, on-camera appearances and a weekly newsletter have all helped keep Franklin County in the know. Maybe you would throw in that special software package she has been asking for. That would really make her day.

For Chamber Members

May you fill their stockings with the gift of prosperity. You know how hard they have worked to keep their shops open, to make their employees feel loved and appreciated and that extra effort they put forward to make Franklin County something special. Give them a bonus gift of relief this year as they lobby so diligently to balance their books against rising taxes, healthcare bills and the burden of permitting. Some have even asked for a baby brother or sister to fill those vacant storefronts. Santa - these people deserve the best.

As for me...

Well Santa, I only want one thing. Please bless Franklin County with an abundance of love and kindness for all of those we work with, those who visit our area and those who we meet on the streets. May Franklin County be known as the friendliest place on earth. Thank you, Santa, I hope you and the reindeer have a safe flight. You'll find the cookies on my desk.
Did You Know?
The New York City Chamber of Commerce helped deliver a tax plan for Macy's Department store employees, helping them keep their jobs in 1941. The gesture was describe as being as big as one of their "Macy's Day Parade balloons."  
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, December 15, 2014

Membership Season

Dear Friend,

A Question of Value

The success of any Chamber lies in its ability to provide value to its membership. Each year, you get to ask the questions; "Should I Invest in The Chamber?" "Is it Worth it to have the Chamber Working for Me?" We understand that you always have a choice so we continually strive to bring you the very best in quality and value. We have had a successful 2014 and we feel equally prepared to deliver again in 2015. We hope you agree.

The Season is Upon Us 

In December and January you will receive a 2015 Chamber Membership packet. It will look a bit different from past years. We have been listening to your input and we are making adjustments. You will now be offered a basic membership package along with a handful of other package choices that we feel will meet your overall needs. The choice is yours.

What Else Is New?

You will see all of your Chamber investment choices right up front. Whether you like the sponsorship route or the advertising route, there will be a package for you. And if you don't see it, we'll custom build one for you. Of course, packages imply discounts, resulting in a savings for you. This year we will also be introducing an alternative monthly payment option. Look for pricing to be listed in per month units. Our banks will now offer ACH withdrawals to facilitate monthly bill paying.

What to Look Forward to in 2015?

We now have the cooperation from other business organizations in the county to roll all of your membership dues into one payment. Networking mixers and education seminars are being scheduled in multiple communities. We will begin conducting business round tables to flesh out success plans. We are expanding our tourism efforts with regional promotions and a large community based event. We will still offer two of the most popular summer events where you can show your community support. And, our voice in Montpelier is growing stronger while communications with our local delegation is on the rise.

Where's the Value?

In 2014, we put your business in front of 70,000 visitors with Chamber advertising in the NB I-89 Georgia rest area. We saw 9,000 NEW visitors, looking for your services, hit over 24,000 pages on 500+ of your customers attended mixers while 100+ took at least one seminar. Over 150 enjoyed opportunities to sit down with our county delegates and share their concerns. And well over 200,000 sets of eyes saw our social media posts featuring your events, promotions and business topics. We promise more in 2015.
Did You Know?
A group of focused individuals can change a community. The Chamber of Commerce has been making a difference since the 1880s. Help us keep that string alive in 2015. 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Value of a Meeting

Dear Friends,

No Accident

It is said that; "We don't meet people by accident, instead we are meant to cross each other's path."  

Busy, Busy, Busy 

Over the past year, I have had the opportunity and privilege to cross paths with many people. Each one with something different to offer Franklin County in the way of progress, growth, education or support. On the average, I attend between 12 and 15 meetings of one kind or another each month. So far, I have found each one important in some special way. 

When Do You Work?

Here is the interesting fact about my work - I work for you. After giving this careful thought, I can say that I am one of the few people (outside of your own employees) who comes to work everyday to help you with your business. Attending these meetings is part of my job - it's what I do. These are meetings that you might never attend on your own and in many cases you might not even know exist.

Why Is that Important?

Funding opportunities, zoning issues, legislative direction, healthcare policy, wellness committees, community partnerships, programming proposals, advertising co-ops, downtown promotions, county planning, cover crops, waste water management, lake water quality, new job creation, generational considerations, young professionals, new business development, recreation activities, brownfield projects, cultural events, job expos, board meetings and sometimes food. I am your eyes and your ears, I look out for your best interests where ever I go. (Except for the food part - that's usually for me!) Your Chamber works for you.

Still Time To Make A Difference

When it is all said and done, this is still your Chamber. We ask for your input to make sure we continue to deliver what is important to you. Please take this survey (of course it's short!) and let us know how we did this past year and how we can best shape our offering in 2015. Even if you don't belong to our Chamber or any Chamber, we'd still like to hear from you as well.

Did You Know?
The Honolulu and San Francisco Chambers were responsible for lifting sugar tariffs between Hawaii and the United States opening the doors toward eventual Statehood for our 50th state.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, December 1, 2014

How Did We Do?

Dear Friend,

December: A Time to Adjust

For the next couple of weeks, your Chamber will take time to ponder on the past year. It is a time for us to enter into the process of refining what the Chamber brings to you and your business or organization. A time to adjust and build.  

What Next? 

With the coming of the new year we can expect three things to be true. Boomers are transitioning control to Gen X'ers, technologies continue to emerge at lightening speeds and the economy will be what it will be. If we stand still, any one (or all three) of these truths will over take us and render us irrelevant. We must adjust and strengthen our offering so that we can continue to serve you and make a difference for your success.  

No One Goes it Alone

Your Board of Trustees, along with your Chamber staff, have been working on your behalf and have each contributed thoughtful direction and wisdom into our draft strategic plan for 2015. Business people and keepers of important agencies themselves, your Board understands the issues we all face - they face them too. 

How Can You Help?

This is your Chamber, we come to work everyday with only one purpose, to help you be more successful. We ask for your input to make sure we continue to deliver what is important to you. Please take this survey (of course it's short!) and let us know how we did this past year and how we can best shape our offering in 2015. Even if you don't belong to our Chamber or any Chamber, we'd still like to hear from you as well.

December is Also Membership Month

We will be refining our membership value statements and asking for your support again in 2015. We are looking closely at how we package our membership benefits and at our pricing model. If you would like to meet with me to discuss how the Chamber is positioning itself for the upcoming year, please call or email me. I would love the opportunity to learn more about your business and how we can be even a small part of your growth in the coming year.  

Final Reminder: Legislative Preview

This Thursday, December 4th, we will be hosting a Legislative Preview. This is an opportunity for you to voice what you feel would be in the best interest of your business or organization. That's right, you get to talk.

Thursday, December 4th, 7:30 to 9:00 AM in the Green Mountain Room, La Quinta Inn & Suites, St. Albans. Refreshments and light breakfast provided. No fees but please register in advance: REGISTER HERE
Did You Know?
Benjamin Franklin once said: "When you're finished changing, you're finished."And, knowing ole Benjamin as I do, I'm pretty sure he said it more than once.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Giving Thanks

Dear Friends,

Thanksgiving is My Favorite Holiday

Food, family, friends, food, football and food - those are a few of my favorite things and they all take place on the same day. No wonder I feel so full and satisfied at the end of Thanksgiving Day.

Full? Yes. 

When I reflect on the past year in the Chamber, I find that I am also fulfilled in many ways. In a year when change was all around, I am thankful for a Board of Trustees that helped direct course corrections. I am thankful for so many members who have held the faith and continued to trust that the Chamber does make a difference in their business or organization. And, I am thankful for a dedicated staff that comes to work everyday thinking about how they can best serve you.

Satisfied? Not Yet.

We have made great strides in 2014, yet we still have a lot of work to do in 2015. This new year represents a major change in the way businesses and organizations will relate to membership groups. Choices will have to be made, values will have to be examined and return on investment will be reviewed. The Chamber is prepared to face the shift to a new way of doing business. And as the old saying goes; "We won't be satisfied, until you are satisfied."

Whats Next?

When you get back from your Thanksgiving celebration, I will meet you on the other side with a short survey to find out how best we can meet your needs. We will take those results (combined with input from our Board), fine tune our programming, evaluate our pricing and packaging, and launch our 2015 membership drive. If I might borrow from our friends at Smugglers' Notch for a minute: "We Want You Back."
Reminder: Legislative Preview

On December 4th, we will host a Legislative Preview. This is an opportunity for you to voice what you feel would be in the best interest of your business or organization. 

Thursday, December 4th, 7:30 to 9:00 AM in the Green Mountain Room, La Quinta Inn & Suites, St. Albans. Refreshments and light breakfast provided. No fees but please register in advance: REGISTER HERE
Did You Know?
Women began to join the Chamber ranks around 1900, far sooner than most other organizations gave them recognition. 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Legislative Preview and More...

Dear Friend,

Election Results are In

Your votes have been counted, our delegates have been elected (with at least one recount in process) - now it's time to get to work.

What Next?

During the debate season, you had a chance to see how candidates would respond to your concerns. You took that information and made an informed decision on election day. Now that the 2015-16 delegation has been seated, we have another opportunity to speak our concerns before they head to Montpelier.

Legislative Preview

On December 4th, several community partners will be collaborating to host a Legislative Preview. This is an opportunity for you to voice what you feel would be in the best interest of your business or organization. In addition, we will hear from two business-centric lobbying groups as they present their legislative agendas to our delegation.

I have heard it said in the past that by the time our concerns are heard, it is often too late. Well here is a chance get to them BEFORE they even leave for capital hill. 

So, prepare to present your concerns. In fact you can start practicing in the mirror: "It would be a great help to me and my business/organization if our delegation would focus on <insert concern>." Let's keep it positive and give our delegates clear direction as they march on.

What Are We Doing?

Last week, I attended the Vermont Chamber Executives retreat. We talked about what was important to our constituents and heard our lobbyists make their pitches. We agreed that we might not all see eye to eye on everything but that in general we were for legislation that addressed taxes, looked at cost savings, reduced the burden of the permitting process, took a careful look at our healthcare reform, and continued to build a comprehensive statewide economic development strategy.

I noticed that water quality was not on this list so I took the initiative to send out an email to by counterparts in the rest of the state and asked that they support our concern for our lakes and waterways. I am happy to announce that several have responded positively that they would indeed support our position.

So, I suggest that if you belong to an organization, let them know how you feel about the issues. Let they know that you understand that they may or may not agree but if they don't have an opinion - take yours!


Thursday, December 4th, 7:30 to 9:00 AM in the Green Mountain Room, La Quinta Inn & Suites, St. Albans. Refreshments and light breakfast provided. No fees but please register in advance: REGISTER HERE
Did You Know?
The San Jose Chamber was instrumental in attracting funding, incubation space, talent and business to form what we know as The Silicon Valley.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, November 3, 2014


Dear Friend,

Your November 4th Agenda

Get Up
Do Other Stuff (optional)
Go To Bed
Did You Know?
Voting is our right. It is our responsibility. Respect the Right To Vote.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Dear Friend,

All Roads Lead to the Summit
Over the past two days I have had the opportunity, neigh, the privilege of participating in two very important gatherings on behalf of Franklin County. On Monday, I was in Plattsburgh, NY at the 2014 International Summit of the Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership. Tuesday, I went to Burlington, VT to sit in on InnoVaTe 2014, the second annual Economic Development Summit sponsored by the Vermont Department of Economic Development. I left both Summits with a single charge - Collaboration.
The Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership is a division of the Lake Champlain Basin Program. In a nutshell, the mission is to conserve our land and preserve our heritage as it relates to Lake Champlain. The FCRCC has been selected as a Regional Stakeholders Group (RSG) coordinator. Our task is to gather people, groups, and opinions that best represent the ideals of Franklin County. A couple times a year, the Franklin County RSG meets to share ideas for conservation and heritage promotion in Franklin County. These ideas are consolidated with other RSGs and presented to the Steering Committee for funding consideration. 
2014 was our first year as a RSG and our turnout was sparse but vocal. Several of our ideas are under consideration for grant opportunities in the near future. We can do better. This is our chance to collaborate with RSGs from the rest of Vermont, New York and Quebec and to impact the types of grant opportunities that come back to our area to help us fund the programs we believe will make a difference.
If you are not currently on the CVNHP mailing list and want to be part of the Franklin County Regional Stakeholder Group sign up today.  SIGN UP HERE
Economic Development
InnoVaTe 2014 was a celebration of the economic development success in the state of Vermont. And while I will not bore you with the details, I will point out that innovation, collaboration and a positive environment were the clear topics of the day. The majority of the presentations were from young, innovative entrepreneurs who have bravely chosen Vermont as home to their business endeavors. Why? Quality of life? Yes. Social and Environmental Responsibility? Yes. But most importantly, a support system of collaborators and partners willing to take chances on new growth ideas. We must continually look for ways to support the budding ideas in Franklin County. 
I have a few growing thoughts on how we can make more of this happen. Keep your eyes open for upcoming forums where we can build on what we already have. But don't wait, if you have an idea today, let's talk.   
Did You Know?
Local Chambers of Commerce lobbied long and hard to have the new Transcontinental Railroad come through their towns. Their insight into the future of rail travel and commerce helped to transform small villages into thriving business centers. 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, October 20, 2014

Four Things to Click On

Dear Friend,

Get Your Finger Ready
On the average, I attend about 12-15 meetings a month. I go as the representative and voice of the members of the Chamber of Commerce. These meetings concern zoning issues, Brownsfield clean-ups, community actions, legislative discussions, business development, water quality, healthy citizen strategies and scarecrow contests. We discuss branding ideas, rest areas, mentoring, fountain restorations, vandalism, walking routes and Civil War re-enactments. We chat about Enosburg, Swanton, Richford, Georgia, Fairfax, Fairfield, Berkshire, Bakersfield, Franklin, Montgomery, Sheldon, Fletcher, Highgate and Clemson.
I go willingly, it's what I do, it's my job. 
This is What I've Heard (lately)
1. The physical and mental health of your employees is good for your business or organization. Studies show the clear health and economic benefits of a worksite wellness program: decreased absenteeism and employee turnover, lower health care costs, and savings on downtime and temporary help needed due to illness.
But in order for these people to serve you best, you have to take a few minutes to complete their Worksite Wellness Survey. Click #1
2. People have funding available to train your employees. They want to use these moneys in Franklin County. 
But in order for these people to address the training and education needs of your incumbent and potential employees, they need you to tell them what you need. Click #2
3. I have just met with a new resource to our area. He is a consultant with Google Business Pages and is in our town to help you promote your business through the most widely visited mapping system in the world.
But in order for you to take advantage of this opportunity, you have to take time to work on your business - next Thursday, Oct 30, 3:30 - 5:00, and, oh yes, you have to sign up. Click #3
Help Reach Others
The success of the Chamber is based on memberships, we are a volunteer, not-for-profit organization. Share your experiences with others, let them know how the Chamber has helped your business or organization. Share a story with them and encourage them to meet with us today. We are here to help.
Final Click
If you received this email from a friend, join our Chamber Chat List today. Click #4
Did You Know?
In 1923, a real estate development company called Hollywood Land erected a giant sign on a nearby cliff to promote their fine properties. The land deal was a bust and the sign fell into disrepair - the letters LAND having fallen off. The neighbors wanted to tear down the eyesore but the local Chamber of Commerce stepped in, refurbished the sign to help promote the local economy creating the most recognized (and most visited) town sign in history. 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Community Value

Dear Friend,

Chamber of Commerce - Community Value
The senatorial and representative candidates come to the Bliss Room in the St. Albans Historical Society & Museum this Thursday, October 9 at 5:00 pm to meet with you and answer your questions. This is your opportunity to hear how the candidates respond to your concerns before we go to the polls in one month. 
You Will be Heard
More than 25 different individuals and organizations have submitted questions for our senatorial candidates. While we won't have time for every question, each candidate will receive a copy of every question as part of their lovely parting gifts for participating in this forum. Both senatorial and representative candidates alike will take home your concerns and will have time to reflect on them as they prepare their final speeches and campaign stops. In addition, those who are fortunate to be elected will have those same questions in their hands as they head off to Montpelier. You will be heard.
Limited Seating
We will be limited in the number of guests we can accommodate for the forum so please come early. We will also want to get the "meet and greet" portion of the program started right at 5:00 pm to allow the most time possible for personal interaction.
Table Topics
The final portion of the evening will see our senatorial candidate rotating between smaller groups at five different table clusters. Each cluster will have a table host who will monitor questions. In an effort to add some shape to the discussions, table clusters will be formed around political topics. As you are called to move from the general forum to the small groups, select a table cluster under a topic that best matches your concerns. While the table cluster is not bound to that topic only, it will add some variety to the types of questions presented to the candidates. Topics will probably include: Education, Water Quality, Economic Development, Healthcare, and Government. Transportation will be squeezed in there as well.
You can still have a little time to contribute your questions for the candidates at Ask a Question. If you have questions about the evening, please feel free to contact the Chamber office. See you Thursday.
Did You Know?
The St. Louis Chamber of Commerce saw a great opportunity when it funded young Charles Lindbergh and "The Spirit of St. Louis" enabling it to beat a Brooklyn Chamber backed plane to be the first to complete a transatlantic flight. This single, timely event put St. Louis on the map and gave it a much needed boost in the launch of a very lucrative aviation industry. Ever hear of the "Auspices of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce?" I didn't think so.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, September 29, 2014

Debate - Forum

Dear Friend;

The Political Season Reaches a Peak
As our leaf peeping races to it's peak, so does the race for state seats in the Senate and House. How appropriate. Multi-colored candidate yard signs are rapidly becoming buried in multi-colored fall foliage. The colors are peaking at the same pace as the messages shared by our politicians. Now is our best opportunity to catch both at their peaks.
Want to See More?
If you want to catch the leaves in their prime, hop in your car and head out on any Franklin County road or simply sit and look out your front window. If you want to know how a candidate stands on a particular issue, pick up any county paper or attend any special outing and keep your ears open. It's in the air.
Debate - Forum
The Chamber is partnering with several other local agencies and establishments to host our Franklin County Senatorial Candidates for an evening of questions and discussion. In addition, we have invited all Franklin County Representative Candidates to attend a meet and greet where you will have a first hand opportunity to share ideas. On October 9th, beginning at 5:00pm your candidates will be available in the Bliss Room of the St. Albans Historical Society and Museum for a peek at what they propose to bring to Montpelier.
From 5:00 to 5:30 the floor will be open for meeting all of the candidates. This time is set aside to allow for one on one conversations. Following the greeting time we will begin the formal forum with a couple of questions for all of the Senatorial Candidates to answer in front of the entire audience. This portion will be moderated by Marty Manahan. The final portion will be conducted in smaller groups. Each of the five candidates will spend 10 minutes at a set of tables and questions will be directed by a table host.
Last week we opened a survey to collect questions for the candidates. You can still have time to contribute at Ask a Question.
One or two of these questions will be used for the formal portion and the others will be shared with the table hosts for consideration during the small group forums. In addition, we will also be collecting other questions at the door.
Mark Your Calendars
One month before the elections is a perfect time to get a sense of where our candidates stand on the issues. Bring your questions, your open mind and your enthusiasm. This your opportunity to take a peek as our candidates peak. Seating will be limited so please plan to arrive early.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Dear Friend,

Hats Off to a Job Well Done
Earlier this week, I attended a Legislative Water Quality Forum hosted by Denise Smith from the Friends of Northern Lake Champlain and a couple of other like-minded organizations. The format included a plea for help from Ms. Smith, testimonies from a few subject matter experts and then a spirited and well focused question and answer period. Legislators, candidates and citizens alike had ample time to be heard. I was almost late for dinner.
The Topic was Water Quality - The Spirit was Advocacy
It was made quite clear that we have a water quality issue in Lake Champlain and Lake Carmi as well as other Vermont bodies of water. No one argued the over arching issue. Some had feelings about the sources of the problem and the overall breadth of the problem, but no one denied that we have an issue. Save Lake Carmi!
Our Legislators and Candidates Get It
I found it commendable that all of our current and prospective legislative members have supported or will support whatever it takes to make a difference in our water quality. While a few might feel that it has not been enough - for the most part, it is difficult to argue that our representatives and senators don't care.
Where's The Problem?
The way I see it, the water quality problem is only perceived a problem in our corner of the state. Yes, we get some support from Grand Isle and parts of Chittenden county but there is a whole lot of the state that have other fish to fry (which they won't have if we don't clean up the water!). Not everybody in the state sees the water quality as the number one, number two or number three priority in their corner of the pasture.
I left that forum with a big "ah ha" moment. If I don't share our concerns with others that I know in the state, how will they ever know that our problems even exist? This may seem obvious to some of you but to this simple bear I can do a better job of advocating beyond my county borders. I belong to a state wide organization of Chamber Executives. When something becomes important to our county, I plan to let these colleagues know that we would like their support with our problems. I plan to advocate to the other choirs. I'll write my very first letter this month.
Speaking of Advocating...
It is not too late to join the St. Albans Raid Half Marathon as a spirited part of the 150th Raid celebration. On Sunday, September 21st, you can "Run Like a Bandit" through the streets and trails of St. Albans. Be part of the most unique start of any race anywhere when a round of musket fire sets you on your way. Register online at - keyword "Raid Race" - there is still time.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, September 8, 2014


Dear Friend,

Sesquicentennial - Not Just Fun to Say
150 years is a big deal no matter what you're talking about. Nobody, personally, remembers what happened 150 years ago. It's just not possible. That is why it is so important to have story tellers and re-enactors to bring to life events that took place just outside our ability to experience them yet still important enough to impact who we are today.
Why is the "Northern Most Skirmish" Important to Us Today?
Franklin County can be defined by the re-telling of the story of how a community responded to a few bad guys shooting up our town. Great, great relatives jumped to arms. Friends of friends of friends rode out after the escapees. And witnesses left their written and verbal accounts for us to find.
The plaque outside the TD Bank Building lays tribute to the "stirring incident" that took place on that October day back in 1864 - 150 years ago. Stirring up a community and a past generation to action.
150 years later, Franklin County is still responding to skirmishes and stirring incidents with bravery, leadership and history changing action. Our police, firefighters, first responders, politicians, village leaders and everyday citizens continue to take on all challenges that come against our way of life and peaceful community.
History helps us define our future.
So, Get Involved
From September 18th - 21st, Franklin County will be hosting the 150th Anniversary Commemoration of the St. Albans Raid. You can be a part of re-telling history. It's not too late to volunteer to help or join in on the celebration. Check out the for a calendar of events. Contact the organizers to find out how you can get plugged in.
OK, but I'd Rather Run
That reminds me - the Chamber is hosting our second St. Albans Raid Half Marathon as part of the 150th celebration. On Sunday, September 21st, you can "Run Like a Bandit" through the streets and trails of St. Albans. Be part of the most unique start of any race anywhere when a round of musket fire sets you on your way. Register online at - keyword "Raid Race" - there is still time.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, August 11, 2014

Wellness Makes Cents

Dear Friends,

Resume Update
I'm not sure if I have ever shared this with you but I was a corporate wellness specialist in a former life. In fact, I have a doctorate in Adult Education with an emphasis in Exercise Physiology. Interesting combination - qualifies me to teach people how to do stuff they absolutely don't want to do. I also know all the reasons why exercise and proper nutrition are good for you and good for your business. But then again, so do you.   
Years of Work
For as long as I can remember, we have been trying to convince companies that a healthy employee is not only good for the employee but is also good for the bottom line. Studies show the clear health and economic benefits of a worksite wellness program:
* decreased absenteeism
* decreased employee turnover
* lower health care costs
* savings on downtime and temporary help needed due to illness
And if that is not enough, worksites are a great place to focus on changing behavior for a variety of reasons. In an average day, people spend more time at their workplace than anywhere else outside the home. The workplace lends itself to policy and environmental changes that encourage and support healthy habits. Employees who participate in worksite wellness programs perform better at work, miss less work and are happier.  
So, How's It Going At Your Place?
On behalf of a group of concerned community leaders interested in improving local health indicators, Jill Berry-Bowen, Northwestern Medical Center CEO, and Judy Ashley, Director for the Vermont Department of Health St. Albans District, would like to invite you to participate in a worksite wellness survey specific to Franklin and Grand Isle county businesses and organizations.
Take The Survey 
Please take a few minutes of your time to complete the Worksite Wellness Survey (27 questions) that will help them better understand the level of wellness programs available within our community. Your information will only be presented in aggregate and NO business or organization will be individually identified in any summary document produced. 
If you have any questions please contact Judy Ashley at 802 527-5582. If more people were to live healthier lives - think how easy my old job would have been. Help these ladies get the information they need so that they can make wiser choices for the future of our community.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, August 4, 2014

Jump On Board

Dear Friend,

Keep Investing In Your Community
Last week we were focused on investing in our youth. This week we turn our focus to investing in another important part of our community - our local boards. Communities are run on the strength of Boards of Directors. Whether it is a city council, a school board, or a local charity, without a good group at the head of control, the agency will run around like the proverbial chicken with nothing from the neck up.   
Kudos to My Board
Let me first say that the Chamber of Commerce is blessed with a magnificent board. They are engaging, creative, courageous and down right fun to be around. Each month they bring new ideas, challenge old ones and are willing to take on the tough discussions. As an Executive Director it is important to have a board around you to give direction, lend support and offer a hand of encouragement. It also makes a big difference it they are willing to roll up their sleeves and help out with the dirty work.
Types of Boards
I have been associated with several board over my years and they have each had a slightly different feel. But in the long run boards tend to boil down to three types. You have your advisory boards - they bring wisdom and direction to help keep the agency moving in the right direction - usually associated with a fully staffed agency. You have your "yes, sir/yes ma'am" boards that are just there to fill a requirement and nod yes when the chairman has all the votes. And finally, you have a working board - a group that takes on day to day activities or tasks to help the organization move to the next level. The working boards are most common in Franklin County where most agencies are understaffed and need an extra set of hands to get things done.
Get To The Point 
OK, you probably already know all that. So what am I am really after? This is a plea to every able body to go out, find a local agency and jump on board. Over the past month I have spoken to no less than three community groups that are in desperate need of new board members. And each of these groups are a pillar in our neighborhood that would be sorely missed if they were to disappear. Call me, I'll let you know who they are.
Am I Qualified?
Yes you are! If you have passion and time you will make a great board member. In fact, I'd bet if you have the passion and are low on time - you'll still figure out how to make it work. Most not-for-profit are required by some law to have a fully operational board of directors. Take a look around you and find somebody that needs your assistance and jump on. You'll be glad you did and so will we all.  
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, July 28, 2014

Invest In Our Youth, Part 2

Dear Friend,
"Our Youth are Our Biggest Investment" 
My father used these words of encouragement when he was being inducted into the NY State Telephone Association Hall of Fame. He could have focused on his personal achievements or thanked those who helped him rise to the top, but instead, he focused on the future - the next generation of telephone industry greats. I have never forgotten that moment when he made it very clear that if we want greatness in the future, we have to turn to the youth of today.   
Why Internships?
Back in June I wrote: "Each time a student gets an opportunity to experience work in a business close to home, the more likely that student is to staying in that job and setting up house in that town. Each time a student gets a feeling of belonging, they will consider that a tremendous pull to set up in that area. We all like to feel wanted and welcomed. If we don't create the internship opportunities in Franklin County then we are to blame if our homegrown move on to greener pastures."
How Do We Make it Happen?
While we might not have all the answers today, there is a movement afoot to mobilize local businesses in a way that will attract more talent to the area. This coming Thursday, July 31st at 3:30 in the St. Albans Free Library, Kathy Lavoie and Roxanne Vought will be leading an open discussion on how we can bring quality internship opportunities to Franklin County. Plan to be there. Click Here to Register.
The Light Bulb 
I know that Kathy struggled for a bit trying to find the right message to bring to this seminar. The more she thought on it the more she was convinced that what people wanted to hear was not what they had already heard time and time again. Instead, she was convinced that what people wanted was an open dialogue with focus on the "hows" and the tools that one would need to make this all work. I am confident that she is on the right track.
Big Smiles
In June I also mentioned that smiles were a good indicator of the success of bringing our youth back to Franklin County. Join us this Friday as we explore new ways to bring more smiles to Franklin County. And as my father was also fond of saying; "Kids - something to smile about." See you there - seats are limited and filling fast.  
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Great Branch Mixer

Dear Friends,

Branching Out
One of the primary goals of the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce for 2014 was to make strides toward truly becoming a Regional Chamber. We have taken several significant steps toward that goal. First we have created Branch branding that features each town as a part of the Chamber look and feel. Second, we have added new Board members representing Swanton, Fairfax, Enosburg, and Richford. And third, we have actively promoted activities and events in all of Franklin County. We are getting there.
A Branch Mixer
The next step is to host at Kick-Off Mixer in as many different Franklin County towns as we can reach. A mixer is a great way to get to know more about each other. For example, the Chamber hears first hand the needs and concerns of the community. The Community learns what the Chamber can provide for services and more importantly, what the Chamber can do for them. And people get to meet people. One of the greatest successes of a good mixer is that you have come to know just one person a little better than you did before. 
How Does It Work?
Typically we look for a company or agency to serve as the host. The host provides the space and works with the Chamber and other co-hosts to provide a bit of food, a drink and a few door prizes. Maybe you invite a local not-for-profit to spread their message as well. Or maybe you have a great idea for a mixer format that would knock the socks off your community. We are pretty flexible.
Once the date and location are set, the Chamber starts the promotion, does the recruiting and sends out the invitations. We work the door and help you organize the program for the night. This is an opportunity for you and your co-hosts to tell the community about your businesses. And believe me, they are interested.  
Raise Your Hand
We are looking for hosts in Swanton, Enosburg, Fairfax, Highgate, Georgia, Franklin, Sheldon, Montgomery, Berkshire, Fletcher, Fairfield, Bakersfield and Richford. Maybe two or three towns combine efforts. Whatever makes sense for you will make sense for us and we will make it happen.
If you have an interest in being a Mixer Host please contact our office at or call 524-2444 - we can take it from there. We have a waiting list for mixers in St. Albans (City/Town/Bay) so if you want to see one in action before committing, join us Thursday, August 14th at Cross Engineering - come see what all the noise is about.
Mixer, MIXER!
Step right up and host your very own...
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Governor & Lt. Governor Luncheon Follow Up and More...

Dear Friends,

First Things First
Gubernatorial is just an odd word. Anything beginning with Guber should give you pause. So, is someone who is running for the second spot called a Lieutenant Gubernatorial candidate? I think I'll just stick with Gov. and Lt. Gov. A bit more informal I know, but in the long run at least it doesn't make me laugh each time I write it.
VACCE Luncheon Follow Up
I did have a chance to hear four of the candidates for the state's top positions speak at our VACCE luncheon yesterday. I have to say that we are truly blessed to live in a state where we have such access to our political officers and candidates. To be able to shake hands with the leaders of your state and to have them have time to listen to your concerns is refreshing and something that I do not take lightly.
Gov. Peter Shumlim and Gov. candidate Scott Milne; Lt. Gov. Phil Scott and Lt. Gov. candidate Dean Corren all had 30-40 minutes to answer prepared questions and, as time allowed, questions from the floor. 
Read All About It
I took copious notes and tried my best to capture what each candidate had to offer. Of course I didn't get everything and some of what I did get is in short hand but overall I hope you can take away a small sense of the tone of the day.
I put all of my notes in a separate blog page so as to not tie up this space. Click on the link and you will see what I was able to collect.  See Conversation Here.
Your Voice Was Heard
Several members responded to my survey last week and eight questions were submitted for inclusion in the discussion. All eight questions were represented in some way or another in the collection presented to the candidates. You are being heard.
Mixer, Mixer, MIXER!
Tomorrow, the Chamber mixer will be held at the Westaff offices in Mapleville Depot. there is still time to sign up. Read More... 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick