Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Who Needs Technology?

Dear Friend, 

Typing Class
I saw a picture on Facebook that showed a couple of students in a HS typing class banging away on IBM Selectrics. I am seasoned enough to remember those days - being the first student in my HS to drop a class he was auditing. I couldn't see the need to spend hours learning how to format a business letter when all I wanted to do was learn the key board. I did not possess any form of ESP that could see a future of the ubiquitous keyboard - I just wanted to learn to type. My wife, on the other hand, refused to learn to type for fear of being stereotyped into a clerical career. Oh how times have changed. 
Change for the Better 
When I went off the college, the standard gift was an electric typewriter to give me a boost up for all the reports I would have to produce. Today, we send our kids off to school with a shiny new laptop (and a cell phone) so that they can stay ahead of the ever changing "curve." Are we in better times? I think so. Say what you want about being distracted with new technology but I believe we have come light years in reaching new levels of communications. 

Face to Face?
Oh, I agree, nothing will every take the place of time spent face to face. But in a world that is ever expanding, the new technology lets us stay connected in ways that were never possible before. Let me give you one very simple example. When I was a freshman at Syracuse, we had one payphone for the entire floor. A call would come in from my granny and whoever was closest to the phone would answer (or not) and then my name would be shouted down the hall until I was found (or not) and retrieved to answer the call. Calls lasted no than 3 minutes and all ended with the same send off; "Oh honey, this phone bill will match the National Debt." Yesterday, my daughter called me from Clemson, SC while walking between classes. I picked it up on the first ring and we talked for 3 free minutes (on the Family Plan). The conversation might have gone longer but dad's can only grunt for so long. I can text all of my kids, at the same time, with one hand tied behind my back. And they love it. Does it replace face to face? No, but it beats no face to no face. And besides, now there is FaceTime.
Is There More?
Yes, there is so much more and every day we build better ways to share information, stay in touch and solve problems. The good news is that these same technologies are helping build better businesses. Never before have business owners had access to such powerful and useful technologies that directly impact the bottom line. Shared calendars, useful POS tools, access to data, collaborative projects and linked teams all make for a more effective and efficient business model. 
Strategies for Success - Smartphones = Smart Business Part 2
Tomorrow afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30 pm at the St. Albans Library, we will be digging into a couple of really cool phone apps that can change the way you think about your business. Tools that help you collaborate and save time will be the main focus. Time to cast that electric typewriter to the side and bring in the future. There is still room -SIGN UP HERE

Did You Know?
Although electric typewriters would not achieve widespread popularity until nearly a century later, the basic groundwork for the electric typewriter was laid by the Universal Stock Ticker, invented by Thomas Edison in 1870.
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bike Tour

Dear Friend, 

Remember That Time...
When I mentioned that 1,200 Lycra clad bicyclist would be coming to town? It's tomorrow!!! Starting around noon on Wednesday, members of the Velo Quebec Grand Tour 2015 will be arriving in St. Albans for a 48 hour visit to our town and surrounding country sides.
I Thought You Were Kidding 
Nope, they are coming. Here's the details. Starting tomorrow around noon, about 1,200 bicyclist will be rolling into town on the fourth leg of their week long bike tour. They will be making the Collins-Perley Sports Complex their home until they head back north on Friday morning. Dave Kimel and his crew have transformed the complex into a resort extraordinaire. The majority will be camping in tents on the athletic fields surrounding the complex while a few have hotel rooms in the areas. They will be taking their breakfast and dinners in a magnificent dining room set up for them in the hockey rink and catered by The Abbey. At night, they will be entertained under a big-top tent that will serve as their Evening Bistro with music and and local libations. 

But Wait, There's More...
Thursday is a day off and the cyclist have several options at their disposal. First, they can "rest" by taking one of five designated bike tours on routes throughout Franklin and Chittenden counties. These routes range from a mere 17 miles to Killkare State Park and back to a 121 mile excursion through Georgia, Milton, South Hero, Colchester, Burlington, Williston, Fairfax and many points in between. For those visitors who want a taste of the local scene, we will be providing a continuous afternoon shuttle bus from the complex to downtown St. Albans where our guests can stroll the streets and sample your hospitality and products. For most, lunch is on their own and they might be seeking a local experience. The Chamber will have a tent set up at the Complex and will be promoting our Regional Guide and local merchants.

Here Is Your Opportunity
We can't know how many riders will actually come into town or how many will stop in your shop but we do know that this is a great opportunity to make a first impression on potential customers who live within striking distance our our county. Each cyclist has a limited amount of luggage space to take much home with them so they may not be inclined to buy big items this visit. However, most have a car at home that can haul whatever catches their eye, so plan for their next visit. I hope you have a chance to make the best of this opportunity. Let us know if we can help. 

Special Thanks
Events of this size do not happen without many hours of planning and the help of many cooperating agencies. Thank you to the City of St. Albans, the Town of St. Albans, the public works departments, our public safety teams, the staff of Collins-Perley and you - our Franklin County businesses.

Did You Know?
Most cyclists are happy with sociable weekend trips and the occasional longer tour during the summer but for some the lure of bigger adventures is irresistible. In September 1879 a group of cycle tourists from the London Bicycle Club rode across France to the Pyrenees. More than thirty years before the riders of the Tour de France first ventured into the mountains these London cycle tourists tackled the celebrated ascents of the Aubisque, Tourmalet, Aspin and Peyresourde. In 1880, a pair of cyclists rode from Lands End to John O'Groats, the famous End-to-End route, covering the 896 miles in thirteen days and establishing Britain's classic long-distance touring challenge. Sore butts galore!
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick