Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Energy - Part 2

Dear Friends,

A Few Words of Thanks to Start the Week 
I want to thank all those who unselfishly give of their time, their careers and their lives to ensure the freedom of our great land. Memorial Day is just a small token of our true appreciation.

I want to thank all of the legislators who have unselfishly given of their time to help me better understand the "Capital Hill" process. I believe that through your help, we are in a better place to support the legislative voice of the Chamber membership in a more timely fashion in the coming years. 
St. Albans Power Play
Efficiency Vermont and Shelter Analytics have teamed up to bring a fresh approach to energy services. Available until the end of 2014, "St. Albans Power Play for Small Businesses" is a free service offering speedy attention to assist local business owners with identifying areas where energy is being wasted. The project will help define appropriate solutions, and when necessary, identify financial assistance to get the work done. In addition, the team will also facilitate the actual improvement projects, helping busy business owners get quality work done on schedule and on budget. 
Learn More
Dave Corliss, Account Manager with Efficiency Vermont, will be presenting "Boost Your Bottom Line by Cutting Energy Waste" at our upcoming Strategies for Success Seminar this Thursday, May 29th from 3:30 to 5:00 at the St. Albans Free Library. Mr. Corliss describes the relationship between Efficiency Vermont and Shelter Analytics as an opportunity to provide additional layers of support and financial resources making the efficiency improvements almost turnkey. 
How Do I Get My Business Involved?
The project will begin by identifying the businesses that are good candidates for improvements. They will be looking for a few leaders willing to champion the cause of reducing energy costs and conserving natural resources. To learn more, attend the Strategies for Success Seminar on May 29th. Register Here... 
Energy and Knowledge are Still King
The more we know about our options and available programs the better we are prepared to make the right decisions. Take a few minutes this week to learn more about the energy saving programs that we have at our disposal in Franklin County. 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick
Executive Director 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Energy - Part 1

Dear Friends,

"Save Energy - Earn Bonus"
Just this morning I saw the above headline rewarding employees with bonuses for turning off lights, adjusting the room temperatures and doing a better job of recycling. Once again energy impacts the bottom line. 
Energy IS a Big Deal
Whether you are burning more energy, saving energy or converting energy, almost every aspect of our day is impacted by how we think about energy. Our doctors, trainers, and employers what us to burn more calories so we lose more pounds so we save our hearts and other parts of our bodies. Burn More Energy. Turn off the lights, change the types of bulbs we use, adjust our thermostats, and put my computer on sleep mode reflects the cry of many a CFO. Saving Energy. And, let's separate our paper, plastic, metals and trash so we can do a more effective job of converting our trash into something we can use again. Converting Energy.  
We Know Why?
There isn't a single human being who lacks in the knowledge of why all of this is important. The education of the masses has been very successful. We know why and in most cases we even know how. So why is it still an issue? Well... Why do people still smoke? Why do people still text and drive? Why do people still throw plastic in the trash? One word...Motivation.
What's In It For Me?
As the headline suggests; "Save the company some money and we'll share the savings with you." Ask anyone who has ever run a corporate wellness program how many t-shirts and water bottles they gave away in an effort to get employees off their duffs. "What if I gave you a different insurance deductible, will you stop smoking?" or "Click It or Ticket." We are motivated by incentives.
So, How Can We Make This Happen?
Franklin County is very fortunate to have a series of incentives coming down the pike. Whether you are looking for ways to save money by saving energy; or you are hoping to start wellness program in your company or community group; or you want better information on how to effectively re-cycle; help is on the way.
Save Energy
Efficiency Vermont and Shelter Analytics are teaming up to bring a fresh approach to energy services. They are introducing "St. Albans Power Play for Small Businesses," a free service offering business owners assistance with identifying where energy is being wasted. In addition, they will be offering additional layers of support and financial resources. To learn more, attend the Strategies for Success Seminar on May 29th. Learn More... 
Burn Energy
Later this summer you will be introduced to one of the most exciting Community Health Initiatives that this area has ever seen. Organizations from all corners of our County have combined their "energy" and resources to unveil a wellness program that has the potential to reach thousands. I can't tell you any more at this time but stay tuned... 
Convert Energy
We are fortunate to have resources in our community that know everything there is to know about converting trash into re-usable and useful forms. Barry Domina from the Northwest Solid Waste District will be on hand later this summer to fill us all in on the best way to capture the most out of our trash. And as an added bonus keep an eye on SunCommons and some of the creative programs they have coming to convert the sun into electricity for you. 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  As a reminder, if you have missed a pass issue of the Director's Desk, check out the archives. Click the link below...
Dave Southwick
Executive Director 
802 524-2444

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Legislative Mindset

Dear Friends,

"Legislative Session Closes - Some Items Shelved." So ends another season for our state lawmakers. And like many years past, some are happy, others are not happy and still others just shrug their shoulders. For me, I sit, scratch my head and wonder, what can we do better next session? 
What's Next?
My number one goal is to better understand how the Chamber can best represent our members with an active voice in Montpelier. I have spent the last several months trying to meet with businesses, legislative leaders and other groups who closely follow the politics of Vermont. Now I want to put together a strategy that puts us in a position to be in front of the curve going into the next session.  
While I don't believe that the Chamber should have it's own opinion, I do believe that it should be in tune with the opinions of our Chamber members. We should know if our members are for or against an issue or if they are split right down the middle. Because, I do know that people will ask us what we think. So, the more we know about how you think, the better armed we can be to represent that position.
Timing Is Everything
I had a member call me one morning and ask if I was planning on attending the Legislative Breakfast later that week. I said yes I was - happy to at least know one was coming to town. The caller then proceeded to suggest that what we had to say at this time was a bit too late to have much impact in the decisions that were being debated in Montpelier at that time. My take away was that these conversations need to take place much earlier in the game. Timing!    
So, How Can We Make This Happen?
I will begin to make a list of the topics that the next session will be debating. As this list becomes clearer, I'll begin to survey the membership to get a read on their stance on each topic. I'll compile the results and be prepared to march that voice on down to the Capital. The VT network of Chamber Executives have a couple of vehicles at our disposal to get our voice heard - Franklin County will be part of that voice.
What Can You Do?
Great question. When a survey crosses your desk, take a couple of minutes and let me know what you are thinking. I promise the surveys will be quick, easy and timely. Let us know how you feel so we can pass it on to those who ask for our thoughts.
Will It Make a Difference?
Yes, we have to believe that our voice will be heard. I can guarantee you that if we don't speak up, we will never be heard. What our legislative representatives do with our information is why we get to vote for them in the first place. I believe in the process and the more we know the better off we will be in the long run. Stay tuned... 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  And - if you have missed a pass issue of the Director's Desk we now have an archive for your convenience. Click the link below...
Dave Southwick
Executive Director 
802 524-2444

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Life Beyond Insurance

Dear Friends,

Life Beyond Insurance. For many, the Chamber of Commerce was their source for affordable health insurance. The Affordable Care Act, enacted in March of 2010, mandated that each state develop an online Exchange where individuals and small businesses would now purchase their affordable health insurance. 
The Chamber assisted hundreds with the initial transition by becoming Navigators. We have spent the past nine months working with small businesses as they negotiated the new healthcare insurance system - Vermont Health Connect. This was a time of answering questions, counseling on tough decisions and holding hands through an oft-time, cumbersome application process.  
Double Edged Sword
While we encouraged and supported many businesses through this transition, we also knew that in the short run we may be losing members who no longer "needed the Chamber" since they were getting their insurance elsewhere. A time of reflection.
How Does the Chamber Stay Relevant?
I have to believe that the value of the Chamber is way beyond serving as a health insurance agent. And, I am confident that the Chamber continues to be a vital part of a vibrant and thriving business community.    
Show Me The Value
A list of service areas might be a good place to start. Membership in the Chamber gives instant access to the following:
  • Network Building - monthly business mixers spread throughout the county
  • Education - timely e-mail topics and a monthly Strategies for Success Seminar Series
  • Tourism Promotion - a staffed information center promoting area businesses, tourist attractions and social services
  • Relocation Services - helping visitors and prospective new residents understand the value of Franklin County for their next visit or relocation
  • Marketing/Promotions - opportunities to stretch marketing dollars by piggy-backing on the Chamber website, newsletters, area guides, display racks, co-op advertising and Facebook pages
  • Event Sponsorship - high profile opportunities to support community events
  • Services - gift certificates, Franklin County First coupons, member to member discounts, community calendars, poster distributions, and much more...
Extra Set of Hands
Probably the most important service that the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce can offer to any business or organization is a full-time staff of dedicated professionals who come to work each day with the intent purpose of helping your business succeed. Your success is our business.
Life Beyond Insurance?
Yes, I believe the Chamber to be a central part of success and growth. Our willingness to help you succeed will continue to be a value-add and your membership in the local Chamber is still a "Healthy" investment. 
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  And - Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Dave Southwick
Executive Director 
802 524-2444
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