Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Community Value

Dear Friend,

Chamber of Commerce - Community Value
The senatorial and representative candidates come to the Bliss Room in the St. Albans Historical Society & Museum this Thursday, October 9 at 5:00 pm to meet with you and answer your questions. This is your opportunity to hear how the candidates respond to your concerns before we go to the polls in one month. 
You Will be Heard
More than 25 different individuals and organizations have submitted questions for our senatorial candidates. While we won't have time for every question, each candidate will receive a copy of every question as part of their lovely parting gifts for participating in this forum. Both senatorial and representative candidates alike will take home your concerns and will have time to reflect on them as they prepare their final speeches and campaign stops. In addition, those who are fortunate to be elected will have those same questions in their hands as they head off to Montpelier. You will be heard.
Limited Seating
We will be limited in the number of guests we can accommodate for the forum so please come early. We will also want to get the "meet and greet" portion of the program started right at 5:00 pm to allow the most time possible for personal interaction.
Table Topics
The final portion of the evening will see our senatorial candidate rotating between smaller groups at five different table clusters. Each cluster will have a table host who will monitor questions. In an effort to add some shape to the discussions, table clusters will be formed around political topics. As you are called to move from the general forum to the small groups, select a table cluster under a topic that best matches your concerns. While the table cluster is not bound to that topic only, it will add some variety to the types of questions presented to the candidates. Topics will probably include: Education, Water Quality, Economic Development, Healthcare, and Government. Transportation will be squeezed in there as well.
You can still have a little time to contribute your questions for the candidates at Ask a Question. If you have questions about the evening, please feel free to contact the Chamber office. See you Thursday.
Did You Know?
The St. Louis Chamber of Commerce saw a great opportunity when it funded young Charles Lindbergh and "The Spirit of St. Louis" enabling it to beat a Brooklyn Chamber backed plane to be the first to complete a transatlantic flight. This single, timely event put St. Louis on the map and gave it a much needed boost in the launch of a very lucrative aviation industry. Ever hear of the "Auspices of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce?" I didn't think so.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

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