Monday, May 23, 2016

Grants, Grant, Grants

Dear Friend, 

How Come That Money Doesn't Come My Way?
Ever wonder why the grant opportunities that cross your desk never quite match what you are looking for? Does it seen like every grant is written for someone other than you and your organization? Are you getting discouraged with the whole funding scene? Well, have I got a deal for you!!! 
A couple of years ago, we were approached by the Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership to serve as a Regional Stakeholder Coordinator for the CVNHP grant program. That means that we are directed to identify organizations within Franklin County who might be interested in grant monies the CVNHP receives from the Lake Champlain Basin Program - think; history, conservation, education, commerce and community. Things that are important to most of us.

The Cool Part
So this is where it gets fun. Once we have identified interested groups - we invite them to a party! And at that party - you get to tell the CVNHP coordinators how you would like to see the LCBP money spent in the future. I know you are thinking that's the fun part but wait for it... then they listen and actually write down every one of your ideas. I know, right?

Could It Get Any Cooler?
These parties take place on all three sides of the lake; NY, VT & QC. Once all the ideas are collected, the regional stakeholder coordinators and other LCBP/CVNHP steering committee members gather to review and rank your ideas. And I can tell you that they all get looked at. Some float to the top and get approved for grantshipdom, while others that fall a bit short might get shelved for another time and place. But again, every idea gets attention. Oh yeah, then, these grant opportunities show up on your desk and they look more appealing and a whole lot more like your organization - you apply for them and the rest is history or conservation or education, you get the picture.

How Do I Sign Up?
The next Stakeholders meeting is June 14th - Click Here for all the Details.

Did You Know?
In 2015, the LCBP awarded the CVNHP $37,948 for eight Local Heritage Grants and $25,000 for five Conservation & Community Grants.  Read More
Please make a Chamber membership part of your success strategy. Join or Renew Today. And, thank you for investing your support in the Chamber in your community.  
Dave Southwick

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