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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
A Single Lead
Monday, April 21, 2014
Chamber Branches
Dear Friends,
Borrowing From The Banking Industry we are beginning to experiment with the concept of "Branches" as a way of extending the reach and programming of the Chamber. Our hope is that what works well for one will work well for the other.
Why Branches?
Good question. Several years ago the St. Albans Chamber of Commerce rebranded as the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce. That seemed to make sense since Chamber members were coming from towns outside of downtown St. Albans. So, what's the problem? Another good question. Most areas outside of downtown (and even downtown on occasion) felt that the Chamber was focused on someone else's needs and not theirs - "You don't care about us." Fair enough. During the first few months of my new position, I spoke with businesses in Fairfax, Enosburg, Swanton, Richford and lands surrounding downtown St. Albans. I have even met with businesses on Main Street. Three concerns kept popping up.
Preserve Identity
We want to keep our village identity, our annual events and our budget. Got it!
Keep It Local
We want Chamber events and activities that are closer to home. Not that we mind traveling to attend an event, but it makes better business sense to meet with people who are closer to my business location - they will become my future clients. Got it!
Our Local Business Organization Could Use Help
We didn't have enough manpower to keep it going - we are all busy running our businesses. Or, our organization has good numbers but we have difficulty getting people to show up for events. Or, our organization could use some additional help. Got it!
Ta Da, Branches
So, we're borrowing from the banking industry and introducing Branches of the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce. Each town or area will have its own identity "Swanton Branch of the FCRCC" "Enosburg Branch of the FCRCC" etc. Each will have their own logo representing their position within the Chamber.
Next step, is to offer local events and programming. On May 8th, we will be hosting our first Branch Mixer for the Fairfax community at the Country Pantry. We are working on dates for the Swanton and Enosburg with Richford working on plans as well. In addition, we have extended the Franklin County First Coupon program to help Seniors in all five county High Schools - this is also good for local businesses. We are even entertaining opportunities to extend our Strategies for Success Seminars into each branch.
As finally, we are working with local agencies to meld the Branch concept into the existing programs to aid with manpower, funding and member retention. Each agency is taking a close look at how this will impact their current members and activities. We want it to make sense and we want it to be the right decision for everyone involved.
Is It A Good Solution?
I think so. We approach each community with a solution that helps preserve identity, while keeping it local, and working with existing programs. We add manpower and funding while preserving the opportunity for local volunteers and revenues. We bring what is working in one area to new areas with the hope of achieving the same success.
Let's take a look at the past 6 months and Vermont Health Connect - I know, you would probably rather forget it. But, the Chamber mobilized and moved throughout Franklin County to meet with small businesses and help them negotiate the VHC health insurance challenge. We had the manpower and the resources to reach every town in Franklin County. I believe the new branch system lets us use that same attitude to help promote other aspects of our businesses as well.
OK, Now What?
Sign up to attend the Fairfax Mixer. Keep a look out for the Swanton and Enosburg dates. Give me feedback - What can the Chamber do to support your community event or business needs? And finally, take a good hold, swing from the branches and let your Chamber help you.
Once again, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community. We strive to be an integral part of your business strategy.
Dave Southwick
Executive Director
802 524-2444
Not a member? Give me a call...
Monday, April 14, 2014
Dear Friends,
The 2014 Annual Dinner is in the books and will be an evening remembered for fine food, a touch of education, holding hands and a thankful community. It might not be too early to think about next year and block off April 10, 2015.
I mentioned in last week's Director's Desk that "We live in a county where each business and organization is not only striving to be successful but also striving to see that those around us are successful as well." This was evident in each of the speeches shared on Friday night. Staff members, invited guests, sponsors and award recipients all shared that "love" and a willingness to help one another were the key ingredients to a vibrant community. On behalf of the Chamber, I share our gratitude and appreciation for the support that this community shows in abundance.
On to the Next Season
As the sun warms up and the snow turns to runoff, we can now shift gears to a summer of prosperity. We promise to continue to provide you with opportunities to promote your business and organization. If you have not already talked to the Messenger about being a part of the 2014 Area Guide "Discover" contact Jeremy Read at 524-9771. Later this week, Chris McGee from TravelHost magazine will be in the area speaking with businesses about a co-op spread that reaches every hotel room in Vermont. TravelHost is a Vermont business promoting Vermont businesses.
Pay It Forward
We will be meeting with the St. Albans Rotary Club to make a presentation of a check toward the fundraising efforts to Save the Taylor Park Fountain. Your generous bidding at the Live Auction will go directly to support this community effort - thank you.
Once again, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community. We strive to be an integral part of your business strategy.
Dave Southwick
Executive Director
802 524-2444
Not a member? Give me a call...
Monday, April 7, 2014
Annual Dinner
Dear Friends,
The Annual Dinner is that one opportunity a year where we get to celebrate the entire community that makes up the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce. I can think of three good reasons (and one bonus reason) why you should consider joining us this coming Friday, April 11, 2014. Register Here
Good Reason # One - Awesome Company
We live in a county where each business and organization is not only striving to be successful but also striving to see that those around us are successful as well. We are a community of good friends working hard to create a wonderful place to live, work and play. Come celebrate your friends with good food, a bit of wine and lively conversation. We plan to do a bit of extra celebrating on FairPoint Communications, Tatro's Deli and Catering, and businessman Tom Murphy - winners of this year's outstanding community leaders. Join us in saying Thank You to our winners and our generous sponsors.
Good Reason # Two - Great Speaker
Each year we try to find a Keynote Speaker that will motivate and entertain us. Someone who will give us insight and direction. Someone who can hold our attention and make us think. Last year we had Governor Shumlin share with us his vision for the future of Vermont. This year we have invited Coach Dan Creed to lead us in uncovering the keys to thriving in any economic situation that the future might bring. Dan is a five time winner of the International Excellence in Business Coaching award, a business owner and an outstanding entertainer. You will enjoy him.
In fact, I'd like to invite you to hear Dan speak at our Strategies for Success Seminar this Thursday at the St. Albans Library. Topic: Time: Mange IT or IT Manages You. Sign Up Here.
As an added bonus, you can catch Dan on Thursday night at Twiggs as he plays a bit of the Blues with Jack Grimmer. I don't remember the Gov. playing Twiggs last year...
Good Reason # Three - Save The Ladies
Joining our bountiful, eclectic silent auction, we have commissioned three incredible works of art and have acquired a stunning piece of period jewelry to be featured in our live auction. Proceeds from the live auction will be donated to the St. Albans Rotary to support their efforts in raisings funds to restore the fabulous fountain in Taylor Park.
Bonus Reason - Grow Your Chamber
Each ticket helps us reach our goal of delivering a growing list of services and support that we can offer our membership. We are spreading our wings throughout Franklin County and bringing our programming to new communities in 2014. A strong Chamber is a key element in a strong economic community. Please join us. Register Here
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community. We strive to be an integral part of your business strategy.
Dave Southwick
Executive Director
802 524-2444
Not a member? Give me a call...
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Franklin County First
Dear Friends,
Franklin County First is a free opportunity to promote your business while helping the county high schools. Need I say more? Yes!
Win One - Your Business
This is one program that has an instant positive impact on all parties. From your business or organization stand point - it's easy and it's free. Just take your most popular coupon or discount offer and launch it on the Franklin County First website. People in Franklin County see your promotion and come back to your business.
Win Two - Area High Schools
Franklin County First is now available to all five Franklin County high schools. BFA - St. Albans and Enosburg Falls HS are on board right now - others are reviewing the program. The focus is to raise funds for Senior Class end of year activities. We all know that the end of the senior year is a time when schools and communities focus on the safety and good decision making for our graduating seniors. These projects need a funding source. Cards are sold by the students to the community for $20 and the class makes $10 on each card. There is even recurring revenue from each card that is renewed.
Win Three - Top Selling Senior
To provide motivation for each selling class, the Senior who sells the most cards will be awarded a scholarship from the Franklin County Regional Chamber in the amount of an additional 25% of all sales. A local business will be selected to present the scholarship to the student at their year-end banquet.
Win Four - Your Customer
The program currently contains 28 coupon offers from 25 Franklin County businesses valued at over $1,200. The more businesses and coupons that are available to the card holder, the more appealing the offer and the easier the sale for the student. The more businesses offered in the area surrounding each high school - the easier for your customer to see the instant return on their $20.
I want to encourage all businesses in Franklin County to join the program and add additional local value to the cards sold in your area. There is no cost to you and I am working with other area business associations and chambers to make this offer open to their members as well - no catch.
Simply go to http://www.FranklinCountyFirstVT.com and click on "Sign Up Your Business!"
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community. We strive to be an integral part of your business strategy.
Dave Southwick, Executive Director
(802) 524-2444
Not a member? Give me a call...
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