Dear Friends,
Borrowing From The Banking Industry we are beginning to experiment with the concept of "Branches" as a way of extending the reach and programming of the Chamber. Our hope is that what works well for one will work well for the other.
Why Branches?
Good question. Several years ago the St. Albans Chamber of Commerce rebranded as the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce. That seemed to make sense since Chamber members were coming from towns outside of downtown St. Albans. So, what's the problem? Another good question. Most areas outside of downtown (and even downtown on occasion) felt that the Chamber was focused on someone else's needs and not theirs - "You don't care about us." Fair enough. During the first few months of my new position, I spoke with businesses in Fairfax, Enosburg, Swanton, Richford and lands surrounding downtown St. Albans. I have even met with businesses on Main Street. Three concerns kept popping up.
Preserve Identity
We want to keep our village identity, our annual events and our budget. Got it!
Keep It Local
We want Chamber events and activities that are closer to home. Not that we mind traveling to attend an event, but it makes better business sense to meet with people who are closer to my business location - they will become my future clients. Got it!
Our Local Business Organization Could Use Help
We didn't have enough manpower to keep it going - we are all busy running our businesses. Or, our organization has good numbers but we have difficulty getting people to show up for events. Or, our organization could use some additional help. Got it!
Ta Da, Branches
So, we're borrowing from the banking industry and introducing Branches of the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce. Each town or area will have its own identity "Swanton Branch of the FCRCC" "Enosburg Branch of the FCRCC" etc. Each will have their own logo representing their position within the Chamber.
Next step, is to offer local events and programming. On May 8th, we will be hosting our first Branch Mixer for the Fairfax community at the Country Pantry. We are working on dates for the Swanton and Enosburg with Richford working on plans as well. In addition, we have extended the Franklin County First Coupon program to help Seniors in all five county High Schools - this is also good for local businesses. We are even entertaining opportunities to extend our Strategies for Success Seminars into each branch.
As finally, we are working with local agencies to meld the Branch concept into the existing programs to aid with manpower, funding and member retention. Each agency is taking a close look at how this will impact their current members and activities. We want it to make sense and we want it to be the right decision for everyone involved.
Is It A Good Solution?
I think so. We approach each community with a solution that helps preserve identity, while keeping it local, and working with existing programs. We add manpower and funding while preserving the opportunity for local volunteers and revenues. We bring what is working in one area to new areas with the hope of achieving the same success.
Let's take a look at the past 6 months and Vermont Health Connect - I know, you would probably rather forget it. But, the Chamber mobilized and moved throughout Franklin County to meet with small businesses and help them negotiate the VHC health insurance challenge. We had the manpower and the resources to reach every town in Franklin County. I believe the new branch system lets us use that same attitude to help promote other aspects of our businesses as well.
OK, Now What?
Sign up to attend the Fairfax Mixer. Keep a look out for the Swanton and Enosburg dates. Give me feedback - What can the Chamber do to support your community event or business needs? And finally, take a good hold, swing from the branches and let your Chamber help you.
Once again, thank you for your continued support of the Chamber in your community. We strive to be an integral part of your business strategy.
Dave Southwick
Executive Director
802 524-2444
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